10 Jun

On Greta’s Show Last Night Rep. Mark Kirk (R-IL) Warns About China

Last night Rep. Mark Kirk (R-IL) was on Greta Van Susteren show. This is a must see video. Rep. Mark Kirk told Greta Van Susteren that China is investing away from the dollar. Kirk said that China has invested in oil reserves this year and is buying enough gold to fill up Fort Knox twice!

Wild Thing’s comment…….
VERY scary stuff.
( deep sigh) Somehow America we will fight back for you our wonderful country.

Jack says:

Paging Dr. Murtha, Dr. Murtha, anyone? Dr Dodd, Dr. Dodd, Oh Barney, on your knees again I see, shame, shame PB, Tiny Timmy is busy on the stage playing the Chinese comedian !!! Look familiar?

TomR says:

Get ready to ride the bucking bronco of inflation, a la Jimmy Carter’s 1979. obama and his entourage and Congress are on a spending spree. Wealth redistribution and we the responsible will pay for it. And this is not even figuring in the extraordinary costs of the proposed cap and trade crap.
In three more years all of America will have the financial status of California.

Mark says:

If they start printing money, and I heard they are, called monetizing the debt, this will drive inflation to astronimical numbers. They are spending money they dont’ have. They are creating a hostile environment fot business by taxing small businesses to the point that they have to lay off.
Obama is now selling Treasury Bonds to ourselves and they are being bought by freshly printed money that is worth half of what it was before it was printed. If we have a trillion in assets, and are broke, Geithner says, no problem we will print more, he just raised the inflation cost of an item to twice what it was.
The ship of state has a rudder but the captain is drunk and asleep at the switch.

Wild Thing says:

Jack, LOL good one.

Wild Thing says:

Tom, “bucking bronco of inflation”,good
Yes this would not even be the grand total.

Wild Thing says:

Mark, oh my gosh if they are printing
“The ship of state has a rudder but the captain is drunk and asleep at the switch.”