Howard Dean on CNBC where he made the statement, among other things, that “we have had enough capitalism the past 8 years; what we need now is some regulation.”
Dean was discussing with Jason Lewis the $17 Billion in Budget Cuts announced by President Obama out of a $3.55 Trillion 2010 Budget.
Wild Thing’s comment…….
LMAO this guy is nuts!!! Howie, just go scream at the moon and leave us alone.
Get ready for a “corporate state,” the very heart of the fascist ideal. It’s a bit more expensive for a takeover but far more profitable in the long run. As usual the sheeple will bleat with joy because old “Prince” machiavelli is claiming to “fix the economy.” And WHEN it crashes the sheeple will blame capitalism because “if only obama knew” he would have fixed it and thus the RATs get more votes. What’s scarier; the fact that this is going on, or the fact that we know this is going on and people won’t WAKE THE F*CK UP!?!?
Another thing we Gun Owners, Conservatives, Military Members/Veterans, and any other “Right-Wing Extremists” are to be purged in a fashion reminiscent of the cultural revolution in china that was started by Chairman Mao (who is praised in our public schools).
Check it out, call your congressman, raise hell:
By the way Mao Ze-Dong killed about 77,000,000 of his own people, that’s over three times as many people killed by stalin, and over six times as many people killed by hitler, and it’s also something never taught to children today. Pretty much children learn about the Founding Fathers being rich racist white guys not wanting to pay taxes, guns kill people/repeal the Second Amendment (I shit you not), the old “living document” BS, government is to provide for the people, The U.S. Military is unecessary, too voilent and too expensive (I actually had a teacer go on a rant about defense spending which is piss compared to other programs), Ronald Reagan is the devil, America not Russia is the “Evil Empire,” the soviet union should have won the cold war, and we’re in the middle east for nothing but oil. That about sums up public high school social studies, ain’t the future of America lookin’ bright?
Hey Howard. America has had over 200 years of free market capitalism. That is one of the main reasons we are the number one power in the world. That is why the dollar is the universal currency.
I realize that in the last 20 years Democrats and globalist Repubs have worked to minimize capitalism, but it is so compelling that it has even survived those attacks.
When socialism is the power in place, capitalism takes the form of the blackmarket. If Howard Dean et al have their way and legislate socialism on us, then we will have an underground economy. Goods we take for granted now will become scarce, illegal and/or more expensive. Items like food, medicines, gasoline, guns, etc.
The only things plentiful in socialist countries are laws, regulations, government, suffering and ignorance.
Wonder if that socialist would feel the same way if his assets were seized by the state.
I wonder if he has a clue about the present state of economic affairs, capitalism has been raided by socialism to the point it has bled out and has fallen, all that’s left is to carve up the carcasses by these sharks in their feeding frenzy. No industry, no energy and no farms = no commerce and no products = famine and rationing.