09 May

Cheney to GOP: Don’t Go Changin’

Cheney to GOP: Don’t Go Changin’
Former Vice-President Dick Cheney told a North Dakota radio audience this week that in his opinion it would be a mistake for the struggling Republican Party to change in any fundamental way, according to a report in Politico.

“I think it would be a mistake for us to moderate,” Cheney said. “This is about fundamental beliefs and values and ideas … what the role of government should be in our society, and our commitment to the Constitution and constitutional principles.

“You know, when you add all those things up, the idea that we ought to moderate basically means we ought to fundamentally change our philosophy. I for one am not prepared to do that, and I think most of us aren’t,” he added.

“Most Republicans have a pretty good idea of values, and aren’t eager to have someone come along and say, ‘Well, the only way you can win is if you start to act more like a Democrat,’” Cheney concluded.

Cheney covered a host of other subjects during the interview by host Scott Hennen, where he was for the most part defensive of the Bush administration and skeptical of some of the emerging policies of the administration of President Barack Obama.
On Prosecuting Lawyers for Terror Advice

“Talk about putting a wet blanket on anybody in government’s willingness to be bold in their recommendations, and so forth. Just forget that. Anybody who sees that kind of thing happen is going to pull their head in and they’ll be reluctant to take responsibility for anything. They’ll be reluctant to recommend the kind of actions that were necessary to defend the country over the last eight years.”

On Closing Guantanamo

“We were not a perfect administration – none ever is – but I think what we did in the counter-terrorist area was extremely effective. I think Obama needs to be careful because he appears to want to cancel out some of those most important policies. Then you get into this whole thing of closing Guantanamo and of course the bottom line there is ‘What are you going to do with all these terrorists that are in Guantanamo?’”

On the GOP Disposing of Dead Wood

“I think periodically we have to go through one these sessions. It helps clear away some of the underbrush … some of the older folks who’ve been around a long time – like yours truly – need to move on and make room for that young talent that’s coming along.”

On Waterboarding as a ‘Last Resort’

“That assumes that we didn’t try other ways, and in fact we did. We resorted, for example, to waterboarding, which is the source of much of the controversy … with only three individuals. In those cases, it was only after we’d gone through all the other steps of the process. The way the whole program was set up was very careful to use other methods and only to resort to the enhanced techniques in those special circumstances.”

On Air Force One Buzzing NYC

“I would assume that some senior staffer signed off on that. Especially a mission with, with in effect what is the backup for Air Force One; there are two of those planes, big 747’s. Either one can function as Air Force One anytime the President is on it. I used them a couple of times during our administration for special trips. You know, they don’t turn a wheel without a lot of people knowing about it and signing off and approving it. A pilot can’t just go out there and get on board and take it for a spin.”


Wild Thing’s comment………
Giggle, I just love how Cheney is speaking up like this. He has been on a roll basically since Obama was sworn in.
I would bet Obama would love for Cheney to just go away, be silent or maybe go hunting or something. heh heh.
Sure Obama why don’t you go on a hunting trip with Cheney he can show you the ropes.

Jack says:

He’s spot on in his assessment, had that same discussion with an 18 year old lady from the RNC last Tuesday. The GOP has to listen and provide a way to listen, every correspondence from them has been a one way dunner for funds and a carefully couched set of questionnaires designed to set the RNC agenda, not the peoples agenda. Just look at the genuine adoration in that photo, why do we have Steele instead of Cheney at the top of the RNC? The RNC doesn’t want to change the status quo is why. Old boy power and political correctness is the only reason I can see, Alan Keyes put himself in in harms way over what he believes and was arrested, if they want the black vote they have reveal that the opposition has held them back and show instances of where, when and how.
Until then I’m an independent conservative with out party affiliation hoping for a third party that represents sovereignty, independence, self reliance and personal liberty.

Mark says:

Oh how I wished Cheney had run for President. We’d had gotten rid of Hellen Thomas, and many other by the same method.
Dick Cheney is tops in my book. He and Bush were always positive always had an encouraging message to convey to the people. Not the gloom and doom we have now under chief Dark Cloud obama.