26 Apr

Dr. James Manning Discusses Obama


Wild Thing’s comment…….
I love the way Rev. Manning speaks his mind.

…..Thank you BobF, for sending this to me.
1973 – 1999

TomR says:

Dr Manning is one of the few clergymen I can listen to. It is more than his style, it is the substance of his talks.
He must have read Camp of the Saints by Raspail. It was written almost 35 years ago but is very prophetic. It is about the overthrow of White Europe and America/Canada/Austraia by mass immigration from the Third World. Like the gift of Gaza by the Israelis to the Palestinians, in this book the immigrants do not raise themselves up to advanced civilization, but drag it down to their previous levels.
Dr Manning may see this as the future. He certainly knows what Obama’s socialistic ideas are going to do to America’s standard of living.

Wild Thing says:

Tom, I feel the same way, he really keeps
me interested.
One of the things that impressed me when
I saw his videos the first time was how he
will explain too what Obama means in his
ebonics speak that I would never get.

Mark says:

What does he call obama, Smack-daddy…Sheesh. Finally someone who gets it.