22 Apr

Katrina Pierson – Dallas Tea Party

Wild Thing’s comment……..
She is excellent, I watched this earlier and wanted to share it with you.

BobF says:

She’s the perfect example of you’re what you want to work to be.

Bob A says:

I did not, but should have posted this. I saw and commented on this earlier. She did an excellent job of getting her point across (without a teleprompter).
Bob A.

TomR says:

What a great speaker. She is just the type of leader we need in the conservative movement.

Mark says:

Amen, Tom, she is great as you say another coming leader for the conservative movement. One thing the Tea Party’s proved. The Conservative movement is not dead, just takes it time to wake up. I think the reckoning is coming. Or is it a ‘Quickening’, purify them with the sword.

Jack says:

Wow, that’s some speaker. She made her own way even with a child to rear, that speaks volumes about self will and self reliance. I know about her struggle first hand. You bet she’d make a great conservative leader.

Wild Thing says:

BobF.,well said, she sure is.

Wild Thing says:

Bob A., giggle yessss and without a
teleprompter, Obama are you listening
hint …. hint….heh heh

Wild Thing says:

Tom, I think so too. I was thinking the new
ones we are adding are young and coming up
in the party and maybe God will smile on
all of us and one day we can take our
country back. I hope and pray that is

Wild Thing says:

Mark, beautifully put yesssss I hope and
pray so.

Wild Thing says:

Jack, thanks for sharing that and I agree
we are looking at the future of our