15 Mar

Obama’s Budget Plan Failing So Team Obama Uses Palin in Some Hate Mongering AD’s

In an ad called “Crickets” that begins Sunday, Americans United for Change, a labor-funded ally of the White House, says: “President Obama has proposed a budget plan to turn the page on the failed economic policies of the past – creating jobs and changing the way things are done in Washington. The Republican response?”
Then the viewer sees Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and House Minority Leader John Boehner(R-Ohio) each saying, “No!”
“So what kind of budget have the Republicans proposed to get us out of the mess they created? Here are the details,” the ad continues. The viewer sees a blank screen and hears the sound of crickets.


And here is another one, they have been very busy making these stupid videos.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
LOL Pandering ads like this do nothing but alert even the densest of kool-aid drinker of theirs that there is controversy over the Administration’s “plan.”
Democrats are so pathetic! I swear I really have tried to think positive about them over the years. LOL I just could not come up with one thing that I respect them for other then I love a good movie or TV show and good music. hahaha
OK so here is the AD Republican’s should run.
When Democrats ran for election they said bills would be created with transparency and there would be no vote until a few days were allowed for comment.
Here is how the Democrats crafted the budget bill……..show people going “I don’t know”
Here is how debate was handled by the Democrats in the Senate…..show Nancy Pelosi saying the bill had to pass intact without change and even playing Obama and his quote of how he had not read the bill he signed as well as anyone else!
This about that a President that signs a HUGE bill and could care less about reading it and knowing what is in it. Yes Obama you freak, it is obvious you could care less.

Eden says:

Well, the R’s did have a plan that cost half as much and created jobs Oblama’s didn’t, but since they weren’t included in any of the bill writing, it wasn’t heard. Then there was their suggestion that this Omnibus (who picks these names? geez) bill be scrapped and the government exist at current levels. Nope. Dems not going for that either. or the RINO’s.
Crickets? Yeah, that’s the noise you hear when you ask one of these Judas congresspeople “when was the last time you did what your constituents wanted you to do?”
They make me sick.
They are terrified of Palin. That’s evident.

Lynn says:

This is true–we had a better plan that cost half what theirs did and created more jobs, but Madame Nazi Peeloser refused to hear it. (Ah, isn’t that illegal in some way?) Yeah, they are scared to death of people like Rush, Sarah and their like, probably even Ted Nugent. Why? Because they tell the TRUTH to the American people! And dummycraps don’t like to hear the TRUTH. They’d rather live happy in a fabrication of a hallucination.

BobF says:

Problem is there are ignorant fools out there who will believe these adds.

TomR says:

Ministry of Disinformation? Yes, it does seem the Dems are terrified of Sarah and Rush et al. As their policies come apart and their legislation destroys peoples’ lives, the Dems will have to put out more ads blaming and attacking the opposition. In the next few years we are going to see the oppression and obvious failure of socialism. The Dems will need all the disinformation they can afford to try to sell their agenda.

Mark says:

Yes it is true the republicans spent like drunken sailors…ok, drunken democrats, but all the democrats went along with it, so how does that excuse them from the responsibility.
The last two years the deficrats had a majority where were they when spending was to be cut…No where to be found, in fact they were leading the charge.
Their logic is blame the republicans, then the Republicans will have to blindly follow the deficrats off the cliff.
It is easy to blame the republicans because there is no Republican Leader that has the spine to stand up and tell the truth about who the deficrats were and are now.
As Rush says, He is the last MAN standing.

Jack says:

Palin and Limbaugh put the fear of God in the heathens. Truth is the very thing they can’t and will not tolerate, we are all a threat to the their lies. Palin and Limbaugh have the name recognition and they are the convenient targets. Make no mistake about it, we are targeted too.
Read the footnote.

JohnE PFC U.S. Army says:

When the chips are down increase people’s anger and expliot their fear into hate for your political enemies. Forget aulinsky forget wright or ayers THIS my friends is straight leninism, marxism, and stalinism. Jack the article was very amusing. I guess I’m a target too.