08 Mar

” Men Like My Son” a Tribute to Our U.S. Military

ORIGINAL music of Mary White’s new release “Men Like My Son” that pays tribute to all men and women of the US military serving today and throughout history.


Wild Thing’s comment……..
What a fantastic, moving video. I love it, the music, photos all of it , and I am so glad it takes in our Warriors, our military throughout history, that really is wonderful.

…..Thank you Lynn for sending this to me.

Lynn says:

I was just playing around on youtube yesterday afternoon and I saw this and thought of my 3 birth nephews-Boog, Jeffy, and Joe and my stepnephew Larry and how proud I am of them. They may not be my children, but they are half me, as they are of my sister TJ. If I had a son, I would hope he would grow into a strong, handsome men like my nephews have. They have chosen a path that shows me what great people they truly are and that they truly care about others first. I’m so glad you liked it.

James M says:

Thank you so much for this video Chrissie. One of the best i’ve heard and seen. God Bless our men and women serving. May they accomplish their mission and come home safe. My Sunday is complete !!

Mark says:

God Bless them is right. What they got to put up with now is unbelievable. They never know when they will be undercut and stabbed in the back, then they have to worry about FOB, Friends of Bama, the Taliban.

Wild Thing says:

Lynn, this is said so beautifully and true too.
“They have chosen a path that shows me what great people they truly are and that they truly care about others first.”
Thank you Lynn for sending this to me.

Wild Thing says:

James M., I am so glad you got to see it. I loved it the moment I saw it when Lynn sent it to me.

Wild Thing says:

Mark, I agree, Obama’s latest is showing what a total traitor he is. I worry about our troops more then ever.