15 Feb

Hussein Hears a Hughes

Watch towards the end of this clip where a middle aged white female ( mouths theh words) proclaims “I love you Barack.”

UPDATE: Henrietta Hughes says she’s not milking the system
A woman making national headlines after a tearful moment with President Obama has a new home.
Thursday morning, Chene Thompson handed Henrietta Hughes the keys to her home in Hendry County. Thompson is the wife of State Representative Nick Thompson (R-District 73). Hughes and her son will live at the home rent free.
However, a local organization is coming forward saying Hughes isn’t being honest about how much help she’s had in the past.
The director of We Care Outreach Ministry, Tanya Johnson, says just last month she offered Henrietta Hughes permanent housing and a place to stay free for three months, but Hughes refused.
“We would have allowed her to stay for the first 90 days, no income. You know free,” said Tanya Johnson.

Henrietta Hughes has a web site,registered by a Judah Fontz, from Cape Coral Florida. Now I’m wondering why the MSM isn’t going after her ????
“After the president left, reporters crowded around Hughes, doing one interview after another. People in the crowd handed her business cards and cash.”
1.) Henrietta Hughes has a long history of financial problems. Her story even made the news back in 2004 before the current recession. She has been playing the system for years.
2.) Unlike “Joe the Plumber” the mainstream media was not going to look into Henrietta’s past.
Henrietta — “How can you take care of my problems?”
Joe the Plumber — “Can’t the government leave me alone?”
It appears as though Henrietta Hughes is not registered to vote in either Florida or New York – not sure about son Corey. Their names appear to come up listed as “owner(s)” on three distinct public housing units going back as far as 1983 – one in Georgia and two in Florida. As to reports she was living with “friends” in New York, that appears to be the home of her parents.
I have no idea why Henrietta Hughes may be homeless today. Unfortunate events happen to us all. My only point is, her troubles and need for public assistance seem to precede the current economic crisis and likely go back years.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Aren’t the lefties wonderful? Give me Give me Give me more and more.
The lady dressed in white in the video that mouths ” I love you Obama” looks familiar to me. I keep thinking I have seen her in the audiences before and not the Florida campaigns for Obama. We just don’t know how many of these people are plants and how many are there on their own. Being the Democrat party I just don’t trust anything about them.

….Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67

Lynn says:

Can I be Henriette Hughes too? My hubby needs a job. Can you find him a 40k a year job? Can I cry on camera on how America has let me down? Can I milk the system too? Please? Please? Please? Where is my handout? I thought he was going to come and put gas in my tank and pay off my mortgage!
What do you mean White folks is going get left out? But that’s not fair! Oh, I see, we’re the bad guys in America, so we don’t deserve anything. Okay, keep your damn change Obama. You’re selling America’s souls down the river for 10.40 a week after 20% taxes on that 13.00! Don’t do me any favors, okay? I have hope enough to believe that my hubby will find work soon and everything will be okay. We pull ourselves up by our bootstraps.

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

OMG/Allah…. BRO BHO walks on water… cures the sick… raises the dead from poverty… houses and college free tuition for all and get your welfare checks for free! Islamofascists are in our good graces now?

TomR says:

Yeah, Henrietta is a professional “homeless jobless” person and was a setup at that news event. Kinda funny living in a car but having a website. The Democrats have plenty of Hollywood lefties to write these promotional scripts for them.

tearful says:

Hussein Hears a Hughes

Bookmarked your post over at Blog Bookmarker.com!

Mark says:

That 13 dollars a week is from June til January then it drops to 8 dollars a week. Yet the Bag Huhes will get an increase in her welfare by almost 50%. In the long run Reparations would be cheaper. Give each family a Million dollars, that would spur the economy. Cadilac and Lincoln sales would go through the roof. We would have the money back within 6 months.

JohnE PFC U.S. Army says:

Look at it this way, give it a little more time and the rest of America will be so disenfranchised by people like obama, hastings, b. rush and all the other radical blacks catering to 13% of the population, because for some reason I guess they see this as a f*ckin’ payback for some perceived injustice against the “black CCCPmmunity”. We won’t even listen to what they say.
“The American people are slow to wrath, but once their wrath is kindled it burns like a consuming flame.” Theodore Roosevelt

BT in SA says:

Lynn – You didn’t ask the “right” question. You’re supposed to ask for your own kitchen. [Oh, and of course, you’re white, so it isn’t gonna work.] That’s what this lying, cheating, teat-sucking welfare abomination did – look where it got her.
“Homeless-jobless” person set up, TomR? Bingo!
All I can say is that the Thompson’s, who may be able to use this as a tax deduction right now – the free rent and all – are going to be paying dearly later on down the road when they try to get this squatting welfare cheating liar and her 30-something year old worthless as all get go son evicted. Oh, and they’ll be doing major – MAJOR – renovations as well. Mark my words. I mean, really, who takes care of something like that when it is given to them? No one. You take care of what YOU have to pay for. Suckas! [The Thompson’s, that is.]

Wild Thing says:

Lynn, exactly, we should all just show up at his town meeting and list all the things we want. I wonder what he would do with that… probably stammer and start his typical whine he does.
I am so tempted to email the White House every time something happens and ask why Obama is not fixing this and that.

Wild Thing says:

Darth, oh yes he walks on water according to his sheep and brainless followers.

Wild Thing says:

Tom, haha she sure is a “Henrietta is a professional “homeless jobless” person”.
Funny how the dems don’t care if someone is a phony as long as they can use them back. Probably because they all are liars so it does not matter to them.

Wild Thing says:

Mark, that is the most perfect idea.“Give each family a Million dollars, that would spur the economy.”

Wild Thing says:

JohnE PFC U.S. Army, OMG I love the cartoon hahahhaa
And thanks for the quote too that is so perfect.
I think you are righit, it is their payback and Pelosi is loving that she is leading the way with this too.

Wild Thing says:

BT in SA, I agree, wait till they see the damage she does to the place and how much trouble it will be to get her out of there.

cuchieddie says:

Deer misser Omamma, ize iz niddin hep wit ma bilz. sence ize iz a homey cud yall hep ah poh boi ouat? tanks.