24 Dec

Band Of Brothers Silent Night

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Our country owes our heroes so much, we owe them everything. If not for their sacrifices we never would have been able to live in the land of the free. I hate war, but I know with all my heart that without it there is no peace. What I hate more then war are the people that don’t understand or care about what our military givies up, goes through and pays the highest price for and why they enlilst, why they have a love for our country that the protesters will never understand or appreciate.
I will never forget and each Christmas and every day of every year rings out across our land a thank you from all of us that know and appreciate the service of American heroes each one of them.

Jack says:

Without them we’d all be wearing jackboots and sporting moustaches, including Pelosi. Either that or we’d working for the government in a Soviet Gulag. Those that didn’t get the summary bullet in the back of the head or buried alive that is. Take a long look at Communism and National Socialism, the message is there if you dare.

Wild Thing says:

Jack,yes the message is loud and clear. Thank you Jack.
“Take a long look at Communism and National Socialism, the message is there if you dare.”

Les says:

Peace to all of our troops and their families.