22 Dec

Piper Palin Radio Interview

Piper Palin Radio Interview – Says She Would Like To Be President – Will Run In 2036

Wild Thing’s comment…….
This is so cute, she is so much like Sarah. God bless this wonderful family.

Jack says:

Absolutely charming, what a little lady, no guile or pretense. Aerosmith!!! Who? LOL.
This makes the day, thanks.

Les says:

Unfortunately, Piper Palin may not qualify as a citizen after Obama cedes Alaska to the Russians the next time Putin looks at him and shouts BOO!!!

Wild Thing says:

Jack, LOL hahahaha yes that was so funny. I laughed at that about Aerosmith too and also how she did not want to go to Chunky Cheese. hahaha

Wild Thing says:

Les, oh yes Obama would love to do that.