15 Dec

Lucky To Be An American

Wild Thing’s comment……..
We are all truly blessed to be born in this country and to be Americans.

Thank you Chief for sending this to me.

Jack says:

Good video, thanks Chrissie and Chief.

James M says:

Thanks Chief and Chrissie. I try everyday to show my gratitude for everything. We are truly blessed.

TomR says:

I don’t know if anyone has said it better than Baxter Black says it here.

Steve Gaston, USMC says:

Since Texas is the only state that has the absolute legal right to succeed from the USA, why don’t we?
TX is bigger than France. If we separate, we can take over the United States and return them to their RIGHTFUL and SANE citizens.

Mark says:

That was great. Need more Baxter Blacks who appreciate and love this country as it is.

Wild Thing says:

Thank you everyone for watching it. When I saw it I felt you all would like it too.
(( hug ))

JohnE PFC U.S. Army says:

Steve Gaston USMC you’re right and we Texans make up 2/3+ of the military. Coupled with the more straightforward “Right to Bear Arms” clause in the Texas Constitution, we would easily defeat whatever b.o. could possibly throw at us. Texas is the epitome of what our Founding Fathers had envisioned.