14 Nov

Gov. Palin’s Speech & Press Conference, Republican Governors Conference

Introduced by RGA Chairman Gov. Rick Perry of Texas

Gov. Palin’s Speech & Press Conference, Republican Governors Conference
Part 1 of 3

Part 2 of 3

Part 3 of 3

And there is also this………..
CNN Lou Dobbs Tonight Transcript
November 13, 2008
Well in Miami today Governor Palin and 15 other Republican governors met to heal wounds and demonstrate party unity and find some sort of direction, but the big draw for more than 100 reporters there, something Governor Palin never did during the campaign, she held a formal press conference. Take a listen to how she responded to a question about her celebrity.

GOV. SARAH PALIN (R), ALASKA: I don’t know if it’s political celebrity, but I want to put to good use my experience that I have as the governor of an energy-producing state to help our nation become energy-independent. And you know we’re going to focus here on what we can do as a team of Republican governors together.

Wild Thing’s comment……….
I really like hearing her speak. She never speaks in circles like so many politicians do and she answers questions direct and clear.
Thank you Sarah!

BobF says:

Here’s what Charley Daniels said about Sarah.
Sarah Palin is a political anomaly, a citizen politician, untainted by decades of beltway blindness, focus group politics and downright greed that is so prevalent among the elected officials who stay in Washington for decades, join the old boy club and become just another political hack caring for the folks back home only at election time.
Sarah is a fresh face, an unknown quantity, an American who has lived close to the people of her state, married to a real man who has made a living with his hands and knows his way around the great outdoors.
She’s raised five children and much to the consternation of Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion groups, knowingly gave birth to a Down’s Syndrome child.
She is so totally different from the Hillary Clintons, and Nancy Pelosis that she is completely off Washington’s radar.
In truth, Mrs. Palin is exactly what politics in America is supposed to be about. People fresh off the streets, or in Palin’s case tundra, of America who have not spent the last two decades of their lives as part of some partisan political machine.
She is someone who knows the price of milk, the high cost of fuel and the trial of trying to raise moral children in an amoral society. The fact that she can skin a moose is a bonus, and a dang good one as far as I’m concerned.
Sarah Palin may or may not be the next Vice President of the United States, but win or lose she has introduced something decent into the dirty game of politics, something most politicians will never be, and can’t even begin to understand.

Wild Thing says:

BobF, thank you sooooo much. That is so beautifully written by Charlie Daniels. It made me cry, I wish all politicians got it and understood how disappointing they are and have been.
“Mrs. Palin is exactly what politics in America is supposed to be about”
“win or lose she has introduced something decent into the dirty game of politics, something most politicians will never be, and can’t even begin to understand.”

BT in SA says:

This site is definitely the place to be hanging out. I need to remember to come here at least once, if not twice, a day. Thank you WT for posting so many awesome videos and photos – not just of Sarah, but of our troops, and all other GOOD that is America!!!

James R McKenna says:

thats it Chrissie…she doesn’t speak in circles…thats exactly why we love her so much..and thanks to CD also

Wild Thing says:

BT in SA it is always so good to see you. ((hug))
I think of you often and how you must be doing over there.

Wild Thing says:

James R McKenna, I am so glad you got to see the videos.

TomR says:

You got it WT. Sarah does not speak in circles. She speaks clearly and to the point. She is a bright light in the dark world of politics. She is one of my hopes for 2012, if there is an America left.

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

Our tenacious ‘Tigress of the Tigris’ is already spoken for in ‘Babe y lon’ 2008!
PS: Hygienically challenged hippie left wingbats taste like…chicken? Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

Patriot First, liberal second says:

One question: What is Palin saying
in the second video, 2:20-2:25….are her prayer warrior supporters “shills” or “shields?”

Wild Thing says:

Patriot First, liberal second, she said the word ” shields”.