11 Nov

Gov. Sarah Palin To Attend Governors’ Meeting

Palin Is Center Stage at Governors’ Meeting
Gov. Sarah Palin is headed out of state again, this time to Miami.
She’ll be the shiniest star at Thursday and Friday’s annual Republican Governors Association meeting.
Palin will hold a press conference Thursday at the convention and then will appear on a panel titled “Looking Toward the Future.”
The panel’s conservative luminaries (and Palin is the only woman on the panel, and as far as I can tell, the only female speaker at the event) will include retired U.S. Army Gen. Tommy Franks, Rep. Mike Pence, R-Indiana, New York Times columnist William Kristol, Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty and South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford, Gov. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, Gov. Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota and Gov. Charlie Crist of Florida.
91 percent of Republicans have a favorable view of Palin.
64 percent of Republicans say Palin is their top choice for the GOP 2012 presidential nominee.

Wild Thing’s comment……
This is great, this is saying to her distractors ” I am not going anywhere and you have not gotten to me with your attacks.”.
God bless you Sarah.

James R McKenna says:

I see a wonderful light at the end of the tunnel

John says:

Love her pin!!!! “Screw with the bull long enough and you’re going to get the horns”!!!! OK..OK..I know it is a moose!!!! LMAO
I think there are some very strong conservative members in her league!!! I don’t know that much about Gov. Bobby Jindal of Louisianna yet but I’m researching all I can. I’ve heard that he is a strong conservative with the same values as the rst of us!!
Mike Pence is someone to watch in the future. Maybe I’m partial because I’m from Indiana but he hasn’t become a RINO like so many of his colleagues!!! He pretty much means what he says!!! And he believes in strong conservative values. He isn’t like a lot of the other stupid Hoosiers that voted for Obama!! Hanging my head in shame!!!
Match up some of these players with Sarah and we could have the strongest conservative team we’ve seen since Reagan!!! But 1st we have to gut the RNC and start over!!! They sold us out big time!!! I know some of you have suggested Newt to head up the RNC and I would support that but some of the people listed above could do just as well if not better!! Something to think about as we move forward. We just need to get moving soon!!! In 2 years, we need to make sure that we re-gain major seats in Congress so that when 2012 comes along, we have a strong opportunity to put a true leader in the WHITE HOUSE!!!!!!!!!

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

“Obama sees a light at the end of the tunnel too…—->>>>>>>>> a Russian Train is coming his way!”

horace says:

Sarah Palin plus U.S. Army Gen. Tommy Franks, Rep. Mike Pence, R-Indiana, New York Times columnist William Kristol, Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty and South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford, Gov. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, and Gov. Charlie Crist of Florida.
It is inconceivable that the Democrats could put on one stage a group with that much character, experience, and America love. Let’s go forward.

Wild Thing says:

James R McKenna, me too. The left wishes she would go away and we will keep it going as long as Sarah is ok with it and she sure is. Big smile.

Wild Thing says:

John, I agree, we do have some awesome conservatives, like you mentioned Mike Pence. The neat thing too is they don’t have to be in our State. I have written to some of them in the past just to give them support.

Wild Thing says:

Darth, LOL it sure is.
“a Russian Train is coming his way!”

Wild Thing says:

Horace, I agree, we have a lot on our side and we must always remember that. I know we are in the minority but so what we have right and might and God on our side. And we are strong and never give up.