10 Nov

Just A Reminder Tonight….Gov. Sarah Palin Interview by Greta Van Susteren

Time: 10 p.m. EST when Gov. Sarah Palin sits down with Greta for her first post-election interview — only on ‘On the Record’.

by Greta Van Susteren
We just left Governor Palin’s house….it was an interesting afternoon with the Governor and her family. Our goal was to find out a bit more about the Governor — we have seen her on the trail but that is not the most natural way to get to know someone. We talked about many things – family, campaign, energy, women, Senator Clinton, moose, snow machines (and yes, I went for a 75 mph ride on the ice with Todd and then I drove it myself on the ice), the day she got the call from Senator McCain…governing Alaska, and much more….) Governor Palin made moose chili for everyone and Piper was helping serve the food. Tune in Monday night to On The Record…..

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

You mean Tony Rezko didn’t give Sarah a mansion and land to live in like he did for Obama? Really?

yatalli says:

Lots of marques around the valley welcoming the Governor home.

Wild Thing says:

Darth, no isn’t that mean of ole Tony Rezko. He sure is selfish. heh heh

Wild Thing says:

yatalli, that is great, thank you for sharing about that. I wish we had a Gov. like Sarah Palin here in Florida.

Mark says:

Should be a good interview. She’s on her own and not throttled by heavy handed McCain staffers.

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

PS Frontier State: Don’t remind Frau Vader about our wonderful USAF crew rest days at Elmendorf AFB where we used to attend ‘The Great Alaskan Bush Company’…WOW!!!