08 Nov

Gov. Sarah Palin Talks to Media at Her Office in Alaska


Gov. Sarah Palin Talks to Media at Her Office in Alaska – Video 11/7/08


Wild Thing’s comment…….
The reporters don’t realize something, Sarah has such class and she really leaves them in the dust by the way she answers them. It is not obvious and loud like how Hillary would do screaming and a shrill voice. Sarah does it looking them in the eyes and just being Sarah. I am so proud of her. Thank you Gov. Palin for showing the world why you are so much better then all those attacking you, I know it is hard and you are a winner in every way.

Mark says:

That was a great interview. I liked how she put them in their place with the biased reporting. And how journalism has changed in the past 25 years to where they are reporting stories from annonymous sources and from a telephone conversation with people they can’t even verify.

TomR says:

She was far more composed than the reporters. You could tell she is angry, but she kept it in check. Sarah is a statesman, a vanishing breed in politics.

Jack says:

Outstanding, I bet the founding fathers are all smiling down on her, she is what they intended, a common person from the fold to serve as their chosen leader then to return to a productive civilian life. Sheets Byrd is stepping down from the ‘committee’ but not from office, a classic example of what is wrong.

Les says:

It’s refreshing to hear Sarah Palin talk openly and intelligently with the reporters. Compare this to the Obama/Biden gaffe twins who need teleprompters to keep them in check. Even after being elected President, Barack Obama in his press conference yesterday couldn’t resist attacking and blaming Bush for 8 years of economic disaster and also making an inappropriate and inaccurate snide attack remark about Nancy Reagan, a Republican. Obama is a low life Chicago-style political hack and racist who has earned disrespect which he carries to the office of President and the White House itself. May he be unsuccessful in turning the country into a Socialist State while destroying the Constitution as we know it.

Wild Thing says:

Mark, a HUGE DITTO. Mark this has been something that has really stuck out for me, this “reporting stories from annonymous sources ” what you said. I have seen this happening like never before. It used to be only once and awhile and mostly if there was some kind of danger involved or something or even with Watergate stuff. But now they use it on a daily basis with almost every bit of information.
It really effects credibility when one cannot back it up.
When I first started to blog, Linda what helped me set up my blog layout, told me only two rules to live by. 1. be myself and 2. always have a link for articles to back me up.
That is one of the many things I love about Rush, he always tells us where he has read what he is discussing or where he saw it.

Wild Thing says:

Tom, yes I noticed that too, she is very upset and another interview I saw I could sense she was holding back tears too. But she went head on and did not break down in front of them. For a girl this is awesome that she did this and it really impressed me with her composure.

Wild Thing says:

Jack, that was wonderful to say, I bet they are too. They would have loved Sarah.

Wild Thing says:

Les, excactly and I have had it with this blaming Bush. ENOUGH! The left is more or an enemy to our country imo then any terrorist! I am so angry soooooooooooo angry!!!!!!!!