01 Oct

Did I Say Can This Election Get Any More Strange? It Just Did! Look at This! LOL

Cynthia McKinney says 5000 executed Katrina used as cover.


Presidential candidate for the Green Party, Cynthia McKinney announced for the first time on Sunday that she has received information that some 5000, mostly male, possibly prisoners were killed execution style, by single gunshot to the head, using the tragic events of hurricane Katrina as a cover.

Candidate McKinney made the announcement at a conference in Oakland, Ca, for the Critical Resistance 10 on Sunday. While speaking she informed the audience that she has received information from a sources that were involved in the clean-up and disposal of the thousands of bodies. According to the source; who wishes to remain nameless at this time, he was charged by the Department of Defense with the task of processing the personal information into DOD computers and then dumping the bodies into a Louisiana swamp. McKinney also claims she has spoken to unnamed members of the Red Cross that this event did in fact take place.

Wild Thing’s comment………
LOL So where are the friends and relatives wondering where they’ve disappeared to? No letters since 2005? She’s barking at the moon insane.
Maybe she can be the next “moderator” for the presidential debates.
Democrat Culture Of Corruption….and fruitcakes that nobody wants….LOL
Not to worry, the 5000 dead felons will STILL be casting a vote for 0bama. It’s only fair.

Tincan Sailor says:

Once again living proof that a mind is a TERRIBLE
thing to waste….

yankeemom says:

Oh my dear lord!! Can we say Loop-Dee-Loo? Someone get that woman a straitjacket. And to think she once walked the Halls of the Capitol Building in an official capacity, being elected by the people.

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

“They tasted like … chicken?” – Wally Gator
Don’t worry Cynthia, your buddy Iraniac Madinthehead Ahmadinejad also said “The Holocaust did not exist!” … “BURP!”

RAC says:

McKinney recently went to a psychiatrist, who after extensive testing told her that “she was insane”.
McKinney screamed at him that he was a racist and that she wanted a second opinion.
So the psychiatrist said ok “you’re ugly too”

Mark says:

Well what I want to know who left the door open on her floor, again, so she could just walk out.
Candidate for the Green Party, what happen to Ralf ‘corvair’ Nader.
But you know all this is Bush’s fault. For a boy from Texas he sure gets around.

cuchieddie says:

McKinney wears a tinfoil hat and receives her signals from the mothership which is out there in the twilight zone or somewhere close to it.

Mark says:

Because of gerrymandering McKinney was elected to congress. She has always been an idiot and always will be. The point it wasn’t until after she threatened to punch out a congressional guard that she was actually found out to be an idiot.
Then she was ousted by her district.
The point they elected one idiot and they are running another for president. If Cynthia Mckinney can get elected to congress then this moron obama can certainly get elected.
It is time for McCain to get back to work. And get serious about it.

Wild Thing says:

Tincan Sailor, hahahahha great way to put it.

Wild Thing says:

Yankeemom, hahaha I needed a good laugh and this video did it for me.
“Someone get that woman a straitjacket”…..exactly!!

Wild Thing says:

Darth, they are a perfect pair those too!!

Wild Thing says:

Good one!

Wild Thing says:

Mark, LMAO….”who left the door open on her floor, again, so she could just walk out.”
Yes Bush will be at fault haha like you said he sure gets around. hahahaa

Wild Thing says:

Cuchieddie, Twilight Zone music playing in the background….. heh heh yessss she is for sure a tin foil hat %itch.

Wild Thing says:

Mark, I agree, McCain has GOT to start to get back in his fighting mode. He just blew it being for this bill when he brags about getting rid of pork I am really worried if we can pull this off if he is not going to be different then Obama on stuff like this bailout bill. waaaaaaaaaaaa
Thanks for that too about McKinney when she threatened to punch out a congressional guard. That was huge!