25 Sep

Megyn Kelly Grills Obama Spokesman On NRA Ads

Megyn Kelly grills Obama spokesman on NRA ads


Wild Thing’s comment…………..
Bravo to Megyn Kelly! Megyn rocks! Isn’t it great how we have so many awesome people on our side. We really do and here for awhile there it felt like we were doomed. hahaaa
Let the dems have their Helen Thomas, Huffington, Pelosi , Harry Reid, and the rest of thier ilk. We have Sarah Palin, Megyn Kelly, Congressman Mike Pence, John Boehner, and many others !!!

Mark says:

Damn, Megyn Kelly is a kick-ass journalist. She is what journalism is all about, or what it use to be about. She had Burton squirming and doing backflips trying to dance around the questions.
She is one of the best on Fox.

TomR says:

Obama is anti gun, period!
I like Megyn Kelly. She does to the Lefties what 90+% of the media has done to Conservatives for decades. Burton could only double-speak, talk over, then finally just lie. If he is Obama’s spokesman he should be well used to telling lies.

yankeemom says:

Aren’t The One’s spokespeople precious when they are all indignant…and lying!
Can we talk about the assualt rifle ban The O sponsored? Too bad these folks don’t know what an actual assault rifle is. (it isn’t a semi-automatic, fyi)
Nevermind that Biden apparently didn’t get the memo.
Kelly has been real tough lately on these folks – one of the few, unfortunately. Keep it up!!!
Note to Burton and The O:
The 2nd amendment wasn’t put into The Constitution just for hunting rights. It was too defend ourselves from the likes of you.

Tincan Sailor says:

No he wont ban guns!!He will put a 500% tax on
guns and ammunition.REMINGTON 700 30-06 695.00
TAX 500%=3495.00 20 RND BOX OF AMMO 35.OO= 175.00

Wild Thing says:

Mark, LOL I agree she is awesome and she is how they all should be.

Wild Thing says:

Tom, yes she is giving it right back and it feels so good to see this happening.

Wild Thing says:

Yankeemom, heh heh love your Note to Burton and The O:.

Wild Thing says:

Tincan Sailor, yes that is it!!

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

Our Death Star II CP Chewbacca say’s “Fox news gals are hot shooting stars…and CNN ANALysts are skanks.” Chewy is right. The CNN (Commie Nutcase Network)gals do resemble mosh pit mutants that are hygienically challenged!

Les says:

Four years of an Obama Presidency will be a daily “He said, he said” excuse of the day. This Obama spokesman sounds like a good choice for an Obama White House Press Spinmeister.