‘Everybody’ Gets Credit for No New Terrorist Attacks Since 9/11, Says Pelosi
You can see the VIDEO HERE……………
Sen. Bob Casey Jr. (D-Pa.) evaded the question, saying instead that the anniversary of 9/11 was a day of remembrance and “renewal.” Casey made his remarks following a congressional September Remembrance Ceremony held on the steps of the Capitol on Sept. 11, 2008. Pelosi spoke with CNSNews.com at a news conference that same day.
“Well, I think today is really a day to think about what happened on September 11th and what we’ve lived through since then,” said Casey. “It’s a day when we renew our commitment to our country.”
“I think there’s a basic commitment from both parties about keeping the country safe,” he said. “There’s a lot of consensus on keeping the country safe in the midst of some disagreements about how to get there.”
Rep. Sue Myrick (R-NC) said the threat of terrorism still exists. “Well, I think our whole apparatus of security in this country has improved from what it was but it is a false security,” she told CNSNews.com.
Pelosi said that “everybody” deserves credit for no attacks in the United States. “Well, I think everybody deserves credit for that – our first responders in local areas,” she said. “Some of the things that have been headed off have happened because of first responders or other law enforcement officials.”
She also said the war in Iraq has not made America safer.
“It has undermined our military’s capability to respond to threats to our security wherever they may occur,” she told CNSNews.com. “It has diminished our reputation in the world to have the diplomatic alliances to keep the world a safer place.”
“The War in Afghanistan has been intensified,” said Pelosi, adding that it is the “real war on terror.”
Wild Thing’s comment………..
You just know my blood is boiling about this. Harry Reid and his press conference to announce how HE had stopped the Patriot Act that time. Pelosi, Murtha, Reid, Kennedy, Kerry and the rest of the low life fighting Bush and our Generals every step of the way. Holding back support for our troops, for funds and holding press conferences to tell the world how we are doing a terrible job in Iraq, how we lost and should come home.
What???? Everyone Nancy????? E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E ??
Did she drive a humvee down those streets in Iraq to check on IED’s and see her fellow soldier get blown up right before her eyes? Did she ?
Did she know the feeling of her heart pounding out of her chest, holding her breath not sure if just on the other side of the doorway was an insurgent waiting to take out all his men and himself in the blink of an eye? Did she?
And then the feeling of being safe and winning that battle for the hour, not day, not week , by hour by hour, minute by minute. Has she known that feeling?
That fighting for freedom is a feeling like none other, something Pelosi will never have a clue about not the taste, smell or feel of it. But even worse she cannot put herself in the emotional place of a soldier how it feels to be fighting for his/her country and have those back home trashing all he does. Demanding ROE’s that are so politically correct that mistakes can be made from being too concerned with the safety of the insurgent and what the media will say back home instead of doing what he was trained to do and is dam good at it.
She doesn’t have to know any of this, there are many that don’t. BUT they don’t do and say things that put our troops in harms way like Pelosi and the rest of the dems have done with their aiding the enemy against us in their verbiage and actions.
Pelosi makes me sick with her taking credit and handing it out like candy at Halloween when she is part of who the enemy of our land is and very much part of the problem.
Like hell Pelosi! You and your terrorist supporting, support base have done everything possible to ensure another 9/11.
That this woman is two heartbeats away from the Oval Office is more frightening than Mahmoud Ahmadinejad with his finger on the big red button – and tantamount to the same thing – the destruction of the America as we know it.
I remember all too well Hill 937 and what happened there, it was the result of a congress not unlike the one Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid control, they covered their asses at the expense of the soldiers. Today less than 1/2 of 1% of all Americans are protecting her’s and Dingy Harry’s sorry asses. Ours too!!! That twit Pelosi needs a month in Graves Registration to get a feel of what it’s like to handle lost Americans that she and her cohorts have caused the demise of. She and the entire cabinet are made up of appeasers who prefer to leak security matters to the media in the BDS game of ‘gotcha’ at the expense of lives on the battlefield. The problem is that the ignorant don’t give a damn and never hold them accountable.
Nancy Pelosi grandstanding to take credit for lack of further terrorist attacks on America. The only way she could get that kind of credit is by having encouraged the islamic enemy that they can have America without needing to attack us.
Maybe she worked a secret deal while she was modeling fashionable moslem attire in Syria. Or while she was supporting the Palestinian Authority.
Nancy Pelosi is so far removed from Mainstream America that she is a terrorist in her own right.
Maybe they are waiting until after the election.
I am sure that if we are attacked again Nancy Pelosi will say that “Everybody” get’s the blame including herself. Realistically, I can hear Pelosi now. “It is all Bush’s fault!” What a phony, liar, and political hack!
Her refusal to allow a vote on drilling for oil she is as much responsible for America NOT being energy independant as anyone.
The comprehensive energy reform bill is a sham and bogus, it allows drilling more than 100 miles off shore. The state has to approve it but gets no revenue in the process in other words there is no incentive for individual states to jump in and get going with drilling.
The whole democrat party is despicable, corrupt. The party of defeat and unadulerated Busshit party.
Jack, thanks, and yes too few people want to know the truth, they want to stay in their comfort zone of la la land and all about the me me me syndrome. I can’t stand that.
Tom…….DITTO! Yess she is in her own horrible way.
“Nancy Pelosi is so far removed from Mainstream America that she is a terrorist in her own right.”
Bob, it will always be to late for the likes of Pelosi. She will never put America first.
Les,perfect graphic, Yep Pelosi has it memorized in her bones. that all that happens will be Bush’s fault.
Mark, well said and absolutely true.