28 Jun

B.Hussein Obama And The Second Amendment

RNC Ad: Obama And The 2nd Amendment

The right to bear arms is one of the fundamental ideals on which our nation was founded.
Hardworking, law-abiding Americans have for generations enjoyed this freedom in their communities and with their families.
But Barack Obama believes that many Americans simply ‘cling’ to guns in times of economic distress. Speaking behind closed doors to an audience of San Francisco donors Barack Obama said “they cling to guns or religion …. as a way to explain their frustrations”
Obama’s anti-gun record is long.
In 2004, he voted against legislation drafted to protect homeowners from prosecution in cases where they used a firearm to halt a home invasion.
In 2003, he voted in support of legislation that would have effectively banned most of the privately held hunting shotguns, target rifles, and black powder rifles in Illinois.
And in 1996, Obama supported a ban on the manufacture, sale and possession of handguns.
But now Obama’s running for President and claims no knowledge of this, even though his handwriting is all over it.
Barack Obama: Out of touch with American values. Not ready to lead.

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

But Mr. CHANGE can change everything… Even his own beliefs and views! Che Che Che CHANGE!

Jack says:

We all could learn and profit from the experience of Hungary and it’s revolt against Communism in 1956. It was under president Franlklin D. Roosevelt and Prime Minister Winston Churchill that Josef Stalin was awarded Eastern Europe as the spoils of war at Yalta, Harry S. Truman ratified the agreement after FDR’s death at Potsdam.
The USSR took control of Albania, Bulgaria, Poland, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia. These countries were known as Soviet “satellites,” because although not part of the USSR, their politics and policies were strongly influenced by the Soviet Union The population in these satellite states were disarmed.
In 1953, due to Stalin’s death, Nikita Khrushchev rose to power, there was a wave of protests and strikes, originating in Eastern Germany and going through to Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Poland. Hungary took its protests to the next level within the next couple of years and a man named Imre Nagy was appointed as the Hungarian premier. The people liked Nagy’s rule, but the slightest reform irritated Khrushchev and Nagy was thrown out of office.
“On October 23, 1956, students and workers gathered around the statue of General Bem in front of the Polish Embassy. The protestors boycotted work and demanded “A Socialist Hungary, truly independent; Imre Nagy reinstated in his former office; the State established on a new economic basis; new leaders for the Party and government; those responsible for mistakes held accountable at a public trial…”
Premier Hegedus could not control the revolt. At first, he sent the Secret Police, know as AVO, to stop the rebels. Tear gas was sent into the crowd and many of the students were taken into AVO’s custody. When the crowd attempted to free the captive insurgents, the secret police opened fire on men, women, and children as well as the student protestors. The Hungarian Police arrived shortly after that and gave up their weapons to the protesters after hearing of the AVO shooting. The now armed students outnumbered the secret police. Finally, Hegedus called for Soviet assistance and declared Martial Law.
The Soviet armies could not stop the revolt either. Some soldiers were defeated, but many joined the resistance. The soldiers were hopeful of a new system in place of Communism. They draped the new Hungarian flag over their tanks and fought with the people of Hungary.
On October 24th, Nagy was named premier of Hungary in place of Hegedus. Nagy immediately took the students and workers side. On October 27th, Nagy announced that he was forming a new government. Nagy said that he would be the head of the new government and there would be three non-communists in the cabinet. On October 30th, the new government is put into play. Nagy abolished the one-party system, so the new government was a coalition government called The National Peasant Party. It was later renamed The Petofi Party. Nagy also announced that there would be economic reforms and free elections, demanded that the USSR take back their troops, and he withdrew from the Warsaw Pact, making Hungary a neutral nation.
At first, the Soviets seemed to accept the demands of the protesters and took their tanks out of Budapest. The USSR, although withdrawing their troops, did not go all the way back to the Soviet Union like they had promised. On November 3rd, reinforcements arrived on the border to Hungary.
On November 4th, 1956, the Soviet army returned, this time crushing the revolt. Imre Nagy announced the attack over the radio in his famous, and last speech to the Hungarian people: “Soviet troops attacked our capital with the obvious purpose to overthrow the legitimate Hungarian democratic government. Our troops are fighting. The government is in its place.”
In addition to Nagy’s address, radio signals were broadcasted all over pleading with the Western Powers to “HELP HUNGARY!”
Unfortunately, the United States’ Containment Policy precluded aiding revolts against communism because Hungary was already communist when the policy was created; The US did not intervene in the Hungarian Revolt.”
Eisenhower was in the midst of running for his second term in office, the lack of intervention resulted in a further 35 years of Communist enslavement until the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991.
Obama and the Democrat party have become like the old Stalinists and Khrushchev Communists, disarm the populace and you can take over the nation by fiat, the only thing that keeps them from attempting that decree is the Constitution and the 2nd amendment. Obama and the Clinton are a direct threat to our Constitution and our freedom. that is why they have the endorsement of all the anarchist movements and the CPUSA. Don’t doubt for a second that they wouldn’t call on UN forces to disarm the population.

Lynn says:

Poor little delusional Obamanation.
We don’t “cling” to our guns. They are trusted members of our families. We learn how to use them properly and only use them when needed. And we keep them away from our young children!
We aren’t all stupid lemmings, just waiting for you to lead us over the cliff into the frigid waters to our doom!
You got a lot to learn Obamanation about trusting others and treating others with respect.
So go blow it out your butt and leave our rights alone!

Cheryl Zee says:

I really hate this jerkoff and everything he says is such a lie- Obama thinks Americans are so dumb that we can’t figure him out- LMAO!! What is so hard about figuring out a bunch of lies? -Spineless -lying- full of crap- dope head- communist- muslim facist- faggot- liar- The KKK or any other fringe lunatic group has my blessing!! (My opinion is my own- !!) McCAIN IS NOT THE GREATEST BUT HE IS A HELL OF A LOT BETTER THAN OBAMA- AND HE IS PUSHING BACK- HE IS TRYING HARD-MAYBE HE WILL GET MORE CONSERVATIVE -LOL!!

TomR says:

Thank God for this week’s SCOTUS ruling on the Second Amendment confirming our individual right to own guns. The politicians can try to legislate away that right, but now we have the absolute legitimacy to rebel if they try to pull an England or Australia type disarmament on us.
I am sure Obama’s staff is hard at work trying to figure out a way around this ruling. They would love for all of America to have enhanced versions of the Chicago type firearm restrictions on citizens. Now even Chicago is going to have to give up those anti-gun laws.
Obama must really hate the right to concealed carry laws so prevelant in states as well as the Castle Doctine laws coming on line in many states.
These are the types of rights most citizens have proven to want. Only the ultra Liberals want confiscation of guns from honest citizens.

Les says:

It is interesting that Barack Obama and all the other gun control hypocrites are only outraged at law abiding citizens exercising their Second Amendment rights who don’t commit crimes. However, they are all almost totally silent showing no outrage at the out of control criminal possession and use of guns in the country and, in particular, the minority communities against themselves. In fact, these same gun control advocates are the ones fighting for reduced sentences and even acquittals of these criminals when they commit gun crimes and repeat the same acts when they are let free so soon.
There was a shooting at a Newark, N.J. high school graduation party yesterday where an 18 year old girl shot two other 18 year old girls killing one of them in front of her house. New Jersey just legislatively outlawed the death penalty in all situations.
I doubt that we will see our hear Barack Obama rush to Newark preaching his hope, change, and unity message to it’s black community to get their act together and take responsibility to stop this juvenile and adult criminal behavior. I’m sure that Al Sharton, Jesse Jackson, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and the other gun control advocates will be MIA too.

Wild Thing says:

Darth, yes I hear the sound of all his clanging change in my nightmares. God help us if he wins that’s all I can say.

Wild Thing says:

Jack thank you so much for that information.
I agree totally that Obama would do or try this…..”Don’t doubt for a second that they wouldn’t call on UN forces to disarm the population.”…… and he would be backed up by the rest of the Progressives ( communists) in Congress and the Senate.

Wild Thing says:

Lynn, giggle I love the way you put that……”They are trusted members of our families”.

Wild Thing says:

Cheryl Zee…. AMEN to that!!

Wild Thing says:

Tom I agree so much.
And this…”Only the ultra Liberals want confiscation of guns from honest citizens.”….is so true. There are a lot of democrats the ones like you said that are not the ultra liberals, that have guns for protection and they would not agree with Obama either wanting to ban guns.

Wild Thing says:

Les, exactly and all those killings in Chicago too and not one word from Obama about it. Obama does not care if the bad guys get away with their crimes, he did something years ago I forget what it was exactly but it helped the bad guy and not the victim in murder cases.

Jacob Marley 1843 says:

WT is confused with me – Jacob Marley – and my CHAINS in Charles Dicken’s ‘A Christmas Carol’? The Ghost of Christmas Past? – Ebenezer Screwed 2008!

Wild Thing says:

Jacob Marley 1843, LOL well, Merry Christmas. heh heh