Congress: Democrats oppose extracting 10 billion barrels of oil from ANWR because it won’t affect prices, but want to tap our strategic reserve of 700 million because it will. Come again?
Investors Business Daily
At a hearing last week before the House Committee on Global Warming, Rep. Edward Markey, D-Mass., said he didn’t understand why President Bush wasn’t releasing oil from the nation’s reserves stored in underground salt domes in Texas and Louisiana.
Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman tried to explain that the stockpile “is meant to deal with . . . the physical interruption of the flow of oil to this country. We don’t have that issue today.”
We might, however, in the event of a conflict with, say, Iran. And for that reason, we believe the SPR should remain — what’s the word? — “pristine” and filled to the brim.
But we not only need the SPR; we need more reserves — from the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge to shale oil in the Rockies to the outer continental shelf.
Instead, we have the likes of Rep. Markey, who last year introduced H.R. 39, legislation that would make the 1.2-million-acre coastal plain of ANWR a permanently protected wilderness.
Oil development would affect only 2,000 acres, yet Markey et al. seek to end forever efforts to develop its energy resources to benefit Americans.
Never mind that off the coast of Louisiana, not far from our strategic reserve, there are 3,200 offshore oil platforms that survived Hurricane Katrina without leaking a drop of crude.
Also never mind that Louisiana produces a third of America’s commercial fisheries; fish thrive amid the platforms. Yet we are barred from more offshore exploration because of fears of spills and imaginary threats to marine life.
In our world, 10 billion is a lot bigger than 700 million. It’s bigger in Bodman’s world as well. The biggest factor affecting prices, he said, is that beginning in 2005 “there has been no change in global production” and “demand has outstripped supply.”
The Energy Information Administration says the U.S. by itself will need 19% more energy in 2030. Add in the rest of the world and the growing economies of China and India, and you’re talking 55% more energy demand. Despite our best efforts, more than 60% of that demand will be for oil and natural gas.
As President Bush said at a recent press conference, the Department of Energy has estimated that ANWR development, vetoed by Hillary Clinton’s husband in 1995, would add a million barrels of oil to our daily supply.
That, he said, “translates to about 27 million gallons of gasoline and diesel every day.” And that, he continued, “would be about a 20% increase of oil . . . and likely mean lower gas prices.”
In last week’s annual scapegoating of Big Oil, John Hofmeister, president of Shell Oil Co., told his Senate inquisitors: “This persistent denial of access is costing American consumers right out of their pocketbooks.”
ANWR is only the tip of the iceberg, no pun intended. The outer continental shelf holds an estimated 115 billion barrels of oil and 635 trillion feet of natural gas. If allowed to develop these resources in Alaska, the shelf and elsewhere, U.S. reserves would increase by a factor of five, and we’d jump from 11th to fourth in the world in the size of our proven reserves.
Enough, in other words, to make OPEC blink — and gas prices drop.
The Democrats continue their efforts to blame the rising prices of gasoline and fuel oil on the Republicans and, in particular, the Bush administration. There is no bigger lie to be foisted upon the American public.
Since 1980, almost 29 years ago, the Democrats began their refusal to allow offshore drilling, Alaskan oil drilling, the construction of nuclear power plants and wind farms off the coast of New England. Their claims, however foolish, were designed to protect the interests of their political contributors, not the pocketbooks of the American citizenry.
Now the Democrats want to blame the Republican Party for failure to levy fines for “price gouging” by Big Oil. Never mind the fact that they, the Democrats, ran on the promise to keep gasoline prices low and punish Big Oil for price gouging.
The Democrat spokesmen all say that if we were to allow drilling offshore, in Alaska, and that if we were to allow nuclear power plants, it would be at least 10 years before we would realize anything in production. That may be true, but if we had begun to act in 1980, 29 years ago, the “10 year” claim would be a moot point! We would have had energy prices under control, and facts are facts!
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Wild Thing’s comment………
Every time someone complains to me about these “outrageous gas prices,” I tell them, “Blame the Democrats who have kept us from drilling for more oil the last 30 years.”
This makes me so angry. These people that have done this to our country over the years, the enviro mentally ill human pieces of flesh which are also democrats, and the democrats that sit on their non working butts and do nothing for this country and the rino’s that go along with this crap……should be put in prison in some third world country and never let out into society again.
I am so sick of these enviro’s controlling our country the way they have done. Sick of this enemy within we have that do this kind of thing, the same people that do NOT support our troops, the same people that want socialism/ communism for the United States of America.
On C-Span Wednesday Alabama’s Sen. Jeff Sessions said that Florida opposed drilling off their coast (200 miles out in international seas)but wanted his Dixie State to pump natural gas into the Sunshine State so the Floridians could cool themselves at 72 degrees in their AC while drinking mint julips! I love Jeff Sessions!!!
The DNC and tree huggers and Caribou boo boobs and whale advocates are all a PAIN IN THE GA$!!!
– PAVE THE WHALE 2008 !!!!!
Wait until we have gas lines and ten gallon limits again. Shades of the Carter years. Things are not going to get any better until we replace the Dems and RINOs in power.
I don’t know about the rest of you, but I don’t ever anticipate taking a vacation to Anwar. Pretty soon we won’t be able to afford to drive to a gas station to get gas. Neither can I see the folly of not increasing offshore drilling in the continental United States. Why not more nuclear power plants? We have domestic companies with the technology and expertise in building them such as General Electric and the Babcock & Wilcox subsidiary of McDermott. McDermott incidentally is a builder of offshore oil rigs and facilities.
The Democrats, Enviro’s, and RINO’s use protecting the environment as one of their key reasons for blocking the drilling of oil and gas in Alaska and the outer continental shelf. However, we are still dependent on these sources of energy to keep the country viable, so they force us to buy oil and gas from other countries whose environments these hypocrites obviously don’t care about polluting.
It will take major power blackouts and unaffordable, not just high, gas prices before the country wakes up to the fact that we have no choice but to intelligently drill for and use our own natural oil and gas resources. Add ten years before we get enough energy from these local reserves to the wake up call and the country may be in a non-recoverable economic disaster.
As an alternative, we can sit on our collective hands and chant “Hope”. “Change”, and “Unity”.
Bob struck a nerve. Hmmmn, I spent 5 years in the nuclear industry working for energy independence yannow, then 19 years in the oil business with the same national energy independence goal. Both are high risk to your health environments. The frigging pilgrims have no idea how many workers contract leukemia and other forms of cancer from their proximity to reactors, some one has to maintain them. Nor do they have a clue as to the dangers of drilling, production or refining, all they see is the end product, never the source.
At every step of the way we were obstructed by the enviro-nuts, the NIMBY’s and the so called conservationists. During the nuclear phase of my career it was the ‘bomb’ nuts and their paranoia, then in the oil patch it was the “we want to see how the oil business operates”, then they’d play the gotcha game, with accusation and loud press coverage, no extractions when they were wrong either.They suceeded in shutting down 5 reactors on the West coast that were being built at extreme costs to the energy companies involved, they lobbied to close Hanford’s ‘N’ reactor after Chernobyl, a viable power producer. Well tough shit folks,they can walk, freeze in the dark and bark at the frigging moon. I gave the best part of my life trying to help this country become energy independent, it was always met with the same resistance by the same factions. It’s what these pukes are all about. Maybe we can just ‘borrow” some of France’s nuclear energy, better yet we can wait until Iran ships us a load of theirs. The wormy bastards can all FOAD.
Het Jack,
I am in close proximity to Indian Point. I worked for several years in direct proximity to the nuclear plant there and never had any concerns. When in school, I believe it was grade school we had a field trip to a Texaco research facility and went through a nuclear part of the facility (Glenham, NY). It was quite interesting. The doors walls etc. were lead lined and very heavy (thick also). My uncle was an engineer there, but not nuclear. This would be impossible today. I was born in 1944 so that tells you how long ago that was. Never an accident and never one at Indian Point that would be of any consequence. I believe they used the small reactor to test oil and gasoline etc. in different environments. I am not sure. God, now I have to do some research. Thanks for the research assignment. Just kidding.
Darth thanks for sharing about that. Yes it made me furious, and I agree with Sen. Jeff Sessions.
Florida is loaded with a bunch of democrats and rino’s GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
Tom and oh how I wish that would happen to replace all those people. Your right about the Carter years too.
Bob all I know is I would like these enviro people shot or jailed.
I have been thinking how these dems and enviro people are much worse our enemy then the terrorists. At least we can shoot the terrorists legally.
I remember working for New York Telephone and being called in on an emergency. I had to get approval (unofficial) to get some gas from their pump to get home and back to work the next day as the odd-even plan on NY license plates was in effect and mine was the wrong odd-even which ever it was. A lot of fun.
Les, yes and you know what? I would love to send them all wrapped up to the terrorists and let them have a field day with all of them. I can’t help it I have had it with them.
Jack, thank you for sharing about your experiences with all of this.
I wish I could take them on, I wish they would try to show up at this blog so I could tell them personally what I wish could happen to them. I am furious. I agree they are “wormy bastards.”
Very soon Cuba will be drilling 45 miles off of the Florida coast and US companies though invited by the Cuban government will not be allowed to participate. China and India will be there. What is wrong with these people. What is wrong with the people that vote for them. And they were elected to serve us. I could chew nails.
Bob,thank you. Reactors are basically safe, they have to be, I felt safe there even though the stuff I was working with was bad stuff. The most dangerous job in my entire life, including Vietnam was in the oil patch. I’ve been in decon twice from the nuke job, making fuel pins, getting crapped up from handling U238 and U239 in powder form, plus the Isotopes, Strontium 90 for one, my job was with the hot stuff, when I left that job my time in the Hot zone around fissile material was down to less than 5 minutes and I wasn’t allowed on the reactor face, or near the reactor not from contamination but due to accumulated whole body radiation. Hanford had only one lost time accident, a fatality, in 5 years, a construction worked breached a barricade and fell 40 ft. into a pit. I apprenticed in a linemans local, the tower workers and high voltage, that job claimed 4 of my fellow workers in 4 years all from electric shock.
When I went into the Arctic there wasn’t an oil field, just extreme cold, we worked 24/7 outside to get the production up and running, there were horrible accidents that took many lives in both drilling and production, the accidents ran the gamut, fires, explosions, vehicle, high pressure oil blasting into human flesh, aircraft crashes and even freezing to death. Nine winged their way to heaven New years day of ’79, they were crushed by a load of pipe on an icy roadway, 13 more died when the commuter plane they were flying to work went down. It’s too damned easy to die, it’s all part of the job and I accepted the risks, but there were a minimum of 3 deaths per year. I do get passionate about the lack of concern by the ignorant and what it takes to obtain our energy especially when these workers are treated same way they treat our fighting forces, expendable, like disposable trash.
Hey Jack,
I worked for Bechtel building an oil refinery south of Baton Rouge, La. I worked for Louisiana Power & Light just outside of New Orleans. While in NO, I went through Hilda, Betsy and with LP&L Camille. I came to NY in 1969 worked for New York Telephone and worked on reconstruction on LI from Gloria. My expertise is pole line construction. It is always treated as a low tech, labor environment. There is more to it than that. I remember someone from higher management asking me for a report on how many poles we would place in the following year. My answer give me everything engineering will be doing and tell me how many will have to be replaced due to storm damage, highway construction and accidents. Then you will have the answer. Engineering would give a number of pole replacements on a given job but these would always be revised due to field conditions. We always rewrote from the field and in an effort of cooperation gave it to the engineer so he could change it before he/she was gigged for having to make revisions. A numbers game. I really miss those days. I did work for B&W for a short while but not in the power generation division.
Any further dialogue send me an e-mail
or post a comment on my board. I don’t want to clutter up Chrissie’s site with my monologues. Thanks and I like to “talk”.
You patriots are wonderful and seem to get it! We are NOT eating schnitzel, brats and kraut on Weihnachten now OVER HERE because Field Marshall Erwin ‘Desert Fox’ Rommel ran out of GAS in North Africa in 1942…And the Panzers ran out of PETROL in the Battle of the Bulge in 1944! HINT…HINT…HINT…!! The CHICOMS, RUSSIANS, CUBANS and Hugo A Go Go Chavez Pez Heads are planning to bring US to our knees ECONMICALLY right now…and the Saudis, Iraniacs and Syrians are on their side… And only a few of US get it?
We are seeing the beginning of the …END?
Darth I think you are right. Thank God for you, your dear family and the rest on here and some other places that do get it. Love your comment!