14 Apr

Gore Guru of GloBull Warming Bars Press From Speech In San Francisco

For a man who gets better press than virtually any person walking the planet, one has to wonder why Nobel Laureate Al Gore would ever want to bar media representatives from one of his speeches.
After all, it’s not like anyone is going to ask him a tough question, or write something that might expose him as the charlatan most folks not drinking the Kool — er, I mean Global Warming-Aid understand him to be.
However, that’s exactly what happened Friday afternoon when the Global Warmingest-in-Chief spoke at the RSA Conference with specific instructions for no press members to be allowed through the doors of the Moscone Convention Center.

When Al Gore agreed to talk at the end of the RSA 2008 conference, the 2007 Nobel Laureate stipulated in his contract with RSA that no members of the press would be allowed inside the keynote address.

Apparently, this is a common practice now for Gore.

Press protestations are becoming a habit of Gore’s.

“When he gave his now-famous global warming slide presentation at the TED conference in 2006 (Technology, Entertainment and Design) I tried to approach him after the presentation to ask a question and was thwarted by his aggressive spokesman who planted himself between me and the former v.p. and griped that I’d been allowed to attend the presentation. He said the talk was supposed to have been off-limits to press (although the conference organizers never mentioned this to me, and no one tried to prevent me from entering the auditorium, although my badge clearly indicated I was press). Gore’s spokesman took down my name and affiliation and warned that I wasn’t to write anything about the event.
Gore, whose speaker fee is reportedly $100,000, spoke again at TED this year, which I wrote about for Wired’s Epicenter blog. There were no restrictions on press covering that talk other than regarding photos. The conference wanted press to use only official photos provided by TED.
Last year the Smoking Gun published a copy of Gore’s speaker’s contract, which stipulates that all press are to be barred from his appearances and that the conditions of the contract cannot be disclosed to anyone.”

Is it possible Gore doesn’t want press members present as he recommends people invest in companies that he already has a stake in? This is exactly what he did about a month ago in Monterey, California, as NewBusters reported Friday.
In fact, according to C/Net News.com, this was virtually the same “You Should Be Investing in What I’m Investing In” speech he gave in Monterey:
Interesting tidbit:
During the speech here, the 2007 Nobel Laureate was interrupted by hecklers three times; each was removed by security.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Interesting — he wants to plot in secrecy. That seems to be the new thing now. Obama did not want the press to know about his fund raiser with San Francisco’s “Billionaire Row”, Bush and Kennedy etc. have secret behind door meetings about the Amnesty and exclude any conservative politicians that would disagree in the discussion. hmmmmmm yes it does seem that to move a country into socialism has to be done in secret then they what ? Lay it on us in one swoop and wait for the outrage?
Just curious.

….Thanks RAC for the $5.00 graphic, giggle it is perfect.

Lynn says:

What’s funny is every time the village idiot opens his mouth, we get a cold snap here in Nebraska.
When he’s quiet, it’s normal.
God is telling him something–back off Mother Nature. I created her and I know what I am doing!
plus I think most media people are laughing at him now anyway.
This has been disproven in so many ways.

TomR says:

San Francisco no longer seems to be the city of free love and “fowers in you hair”. It has become the city of elitist secrecy. Obama and Gore meeting with residents of Billionaires Row and snubbing the rank and file of those they rely on for mass(not financial) support.
Are the sheep paying attention? Or are they still just toking along with their pretty, but stupid, protest signs in moral support of these same elitists. Wait until Gore decides that toking wacky tobbaky adds to global warming.

Jack says:

Thanks RAC and WT.
He now fears the press? Of course he believes, like all the socialists who have been living the lie and pushing the agenda, they don’t want the facts known, only that their warped perspective to be pushed. So what is he hiding that makes him fear the compliant media? Could it be the fraud he and the UN have perpetrated on the world? I remember the Congress and their closeted first 100 days of Reid, Pelosi and company, Al Gore is of the same family.
The closed door and the sealed lips are prerequisites to tyranny.
–Frank L. Stanton

Wild Thing says:

Lynn, LMAO that is so funny.

Wild Thing says:

Tom, good one. I guess some of those hippies are living on Billionaire row now.

Wild Thing says:

Jack good quote, perfect for this, thank you.
Yes it seems he is very leary of the press now. hahahaa awe too bad so sad. heh heh He loved the Press when they bowed down to him.

Steve says:

You know, my wife has been giving me lectures about my critical comments. She says, “If you can’t say something positive about something, don’t say anything at all”.
So, let me comment about Al Gore ………

Wild Thing says:

Steve, hahahaha so cute!
Well she is right when it comes to let’s say a friend because no one is perfect. We forgive our friends if maybe they say something that hurts or if they are late a lot stuff like that.
But in politics imo haha it is war and the enemy within has had a field day calling Bush a Nazi etc.And all the other horrible things from Murtha, Reid and Pelosi ec. Soooooooo LOL I am all for saying it like it is.

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

Sorry Goreons, Al is no … GODZILLA!