Gore launches $300 mln climate change campaign
By Deborah Zabarenko, Environment Correspondent
Al Gore, former U.S. vice president, Academy Award winner and Nobel peace laureate, on Monday launched a $300 million, three-year campaign to mobilize Americans on climate change.
“We can solve the climate crisis, but it will require a major shift in public opinion and engagement,” Gore said in a statement.
“The technologies exist, but our elected leaders don’t yet have the political will to take the bold actions required. When politicians hear the American people calling loud and clear for change, they’ll listen,” he said.
A longtime environmental activist, Gore chairs the Alliance for Climate Protection, which unveiled the “We” campaign with a series of videos, a Web site — www.wecansolveit.org — and a television advertisement set to air during such programs as “American Idol,” “House,” and “Law & Order.”
The first ad likens the battle against climate change to U.S. troops storming the beaches at Normandy during World War Two, the struggle for civil rights and the drive to send humans to the moon.

“We didn’t wait for someone else” to tackle these historic problems, the actor William H. Macy says in the spot. “We can’t wait for someone else to solve the global climate crisis. We need to act now.”
Future spots are expected to feature such “unlikely allies” as civil rights activist Al Sharpton and conservative preacher Pat Robertson, and country singers Toby Keith and the Dixie Chicks speaking together against climate change.
“What’s different about this (campaign) is for the first time ever, we’re going to be able to reach the general public in their daily lives through television, through media, through community-based organizations … and online,” Cathy Zoi, the alliance’s chief executive officer, said by telephone.
Zoi said that ultimately the United States needs new laws to limit the greenhouse gas emissions that spur climate change, “but frankly, in the first instance, we want to get people to join the movement.”
She said 9 percent to 10 percent of Americans are already active in the movement against climate change, and 80 percent are aware of the problem.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
I find this commercial extremely offensive. To compare global warming kooks with men who sacrificed and saw their fellow soldiers be blown apart on the beaches is sickening. When do we get to call in airstrikes against the eviro-whacks?
LOL I can’t help but laugh though at the title of the writer of the article…….”Environment Correspondent”….good grief.
Hey Goreons… It’s spring already and wanna $EE my home heating bill? I made enough gas emissions in December from my colonoscopy that the space station could see it, along with the left-wing moonbats that were next to it! Global Warming my ayatollah assahola…
Al Gore is an idiot. He did none of the science for this and as a matter of fact, scientists are calling for a colder than normal 2008.
The late 90s and early 00s had the El Nino and El Nina years, where everything was warmer, but we’re settling back down.
Mother Nature KNOWS what she is doing. She’s been at it for a lot longer than we have. She knows what we need and makes plans ahead of time.
I wonder where this 300 million is going to come from?
Even with the shifts in weather patterns and many scientists starting to rethink their position on Global Warming, Gore still wants to make us bow to his theory. As a Liberal, he wants to control peoples lives, one way or the other.
What a crock! So we are going to change the weather. I guess this is the fad of the day now. Obviously there will be the obligatory acts by Congress and we will have some sort of ribbon wearing. We are kind of running out of ribbon colors for all the many “causes of the day”.
Mother Nature is laughing her ass off as we “try to fool” her.
Yeah he never mentioned where the money came from for his Bogus ad campaign. I heard China for one.
He is working on a classic ‘Marxism’ that the masses are asses. Here is a guy who was defined as wooden when it came to a personality, a whiner and crybaby when it came to losing an election and an also ran, a second banana to the worst president ever, (I think Clinton even surpassed jimmy carter). Who suddenly morph’s into Captain Planet, the Pied Piper of climate change, the keeper of the knowledge when it comes to global climate change.
Everything is in his favor, the price of oil is constantly going up, he has made a movie, and alot of people believe it, and awarded the Nobel Piece prize. All these laudets to a man with an IQ the size of a piss ant and Scientific knowledge to match. Yet this is the Man, the one who will lead us to the promised land, that of total global socialism.
This is the man that is going to save the world. The man is a total buffoon, a joke, the mentally deranged half-brother to Michale Moore.
It must be the United States of America, where else in the entire world can anything so bizarre, so screwed up as the science of Global Warming, and that it is the fault of the United States and the best part is WE the People of the United States will pay for all of these lies. No questions asked.
Is this a great country, or what?
I checked the temperature at my old stomping grounds, yep, it’s hot there today. I do know of a place nearby just made for Al Gore, inside a white suit at Kaktovik, on Barter Island, he can be near mother nature and Canada.
Likening “the battle against climate change to U.S. troops storming the beaches at Normandy during World War Two, the struggle for civil rights and the drive to send humans to the moon” has the story backwards. Algore and his cult are the enemy like those the troops were attacking when they stormed Normandy. Algore and his cult are the climate bigots of today and more like what the struggle of the civil rights movement fought against. Algore and his cult are driving people to explore junk science while the drive to send humans to the moon was to explore the universe and expand science.
The graphic says it all. They are all clowns.
Lynn, I agree, and there have even been some of the scientists that have changed their nmind that used to be on Gore’s team. hahaa I bet he didn’t like that very much. heh heh
Bob, I would LOVE if there was a way to find out just how much Al Gore is making financially on all of this. I think he actually believes this stuff because he is a nut case, but even so he has got to be bringing in tons of money from the nuts out there that agree with him.
It just feels so much like one huge scam to the whole world.
Tom, LMAO ……. ” We are kind of running out of ribbon colors for all the many “causes of the day”.
We sure are and all these initials for so many new things I never heard of in my life.
I agree Mother Nature is laughing at all of this.
Mark…….”Is this a great country, or what?”….LOL yes it sure is even room for total fruitloops like Gore. hahaha
You are so right, Gore got money too from China and also those monks how is it spelled Tibetan monks . They were in the hills in Los Angeles and donated a lot of money to Gore.
Jack, LOL love the bears photo. I vote for sending him ito an island llike that too good idea.
Les, yes, to compare the two, and for Gore to even mention D-Day like that well he is the lowest of the low. I agree Les.