The congressmen brought an anti-war message
US: Saddam paid for lawmakers’ Iraq trip
Federal prosecutors say Saddam Hussein’s intelligence agency secretly financed a trip to Iraq for three U.S. lawmakers during the run-up to the U.S.-led invasion.
An indictment in Detroit accuses Muthanna Al-Hanooti of arranging for three members of Congress to travel to Iraq in October 2002 at the behest of Saddam’s regime. Prosecutors say Iraqi intelligence officials paid for the trip through an intermediary.
In exchange, Al-Hanooti allegedly received 2 million barrels of Iraqi oil.
The lawmakers are not mentioned but the dates correspond to a trip by Democratic Reps. Jim McDermott of Washington, David Bonior of Michigan and Mike Thompson of California. There was no indication the three lawmakers knew the trip was underwritten by Saddam.
And this………….
Prosecutors: Saddam’s regime paid for U.S. lawmakers’ prewar trip
The lawmakers are not named in the indictment but the dates correspond to a trip by Democratic Reps. Jim McDermott, Washington; David Bonior, Michigan; and Mike Thompson, California. None was charged and Justice Department spokesman Dean Boyd said investigators “have no information whatsoever” any of them knew the trip was underwritten by Saddam.
During the trip, the lawmakers expressed skepticism about the Bush administration’s claims that Saddam was stockpiling weapons of mass destruction. Though such weapons ultimately never were found, the lawmakers drew criticism for their trip at the time.
Al-Hanooti was arrested Tuesday night while returning to the U.S. from the Middle East, where he was looking for a job, his attorney, James Thomas, said. Al-Hanooti pleaded not guilty Wednesday to charges of conspiracy to act as an unregistered agent of a foreign government, illegally purchasing Iraqi oil and lying to authorities. He was being held on $100,000 bail.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Treason charges should be filed! Hey Nancy Pelosi, does this meet your “high” ethical standards?
And who has the where-with-all to do anything about these fine Congressmen? NOBODY!! As usual. The inmates control now the asylum.
“Democratic Reps. Jim McDermott of Washington, David Bonior of Michigan and Mike Thompson of California. There was no indication the three lawmakers knew the trip was underwritten by Saddam”
Oh of course they didn’t have a clue…what a bunch of BS. Who did they think was paying?!?!
Are any of these seats being contested in November? Hmmmmmm let’s see now, Bonior retired from Congress several years ago, McDermott is a commie America-hater and Thompson I don’t know about.
From 2002 National Catholic Reporter:
……conservative columnist George F. Will termed Bonior and his two Democratic colleagues “useful idiots”–useful to Saddam Hussein, that is. Pundit Christopher Caldwell termed the Baghdad visit a “treason tour.”
From the Omega Letter:
Who Did Saddam Bribe?
List Names Top Officials in France, Russia
Terror – Islam
Monday, February 09, 2004
On January 25, 2004, a daily newspaper in Iraq called al Mada published a list of individuals and organizations who it says received oil from the now-deposed regime. Among those listed is Shakir al Khafaji, an Iraqi-American from Detroit, who ran “Expatriate Conferences” for the regime in Baghdad. Al Khafaji also contributed $400,000 to the production of Scott Ritter’s film “In Shifting Sands.” Finally, al Khafaji arranged travel and financing for the “Baghdad Democrats”–Jim McDermott, Mike Thompson and David Bonior–last fall. Following the trip, al Khafaji contributed $5,000 to McDermott’s Legal Defense Fund.
And one last one here from the past:
US lawmakers push diplomacy in Iraq
30 September, 2002
BBC News
The congressmen brought an anti-war message
The three members of the House of Representatives – David Bonior, Jim McDermott and Mike Thompson – have been in Iraq for four days to assess the humanitarian situation.
Mr McDermott, of Washington state, said the US should concentrate on making sure Iraq was safe, not toppling its leader.
“Regime change requires war, disarming can be done diplomatically,” he said.
He also suggested that former President Jimmy Carter, who has become involved in peace-making and monitoring elections, could check that the UN inspectors were allowed to do their checks unhindered.
….Thank you Jack for the article, there is no other name for this then treason. Jack’s blog is Conservative Insurgent.
Did Hanoi Jane Fonda accompany them too? Susan Surrender Sarandon??
“… But they promised me a Minnesota senatorial or represenative position, or a paid ANALyst on CNN if we funded this deal!”
Notice how it was all dummycraps?
This is how the “no WDMs found in Iraq” story got out.
Even though Sarin Gas (which, if put into the air, 1 teaspoon can kill everyone in a city the size of NYC!) and Mustard Gas were found in Iraq and our troops are finding more and more every day.
Sarin and Mustard gasses are WDMs–duh!
They did it to make the war in Iraq look bad.
Why are they such defeatists?
Treason–yes, by all means, string them up by their toenails!
Thanks WT, my rope and tree by the road is always available for a McDermott party, just clean up afterward.
Darth they probably would have wanted to go if ithey had known about it ahead of time. There are so many traitors around I never thought America would be like this.
Baghdad Bob, LOL yes well good luck.
I’m not sure which is worse, the Democratic congressmen not knowing that their trip was paid for by Saddam Hussein, or knowing that their trip was paid for by Saddam Hussein. Either way, the white flag waving Democrats in Congress continue to undermine the country and the troops. That includes the two presidential candidates, Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Rotten Clinton.
If the country is stupid enough to elect either one of these individuals President as well as leaving control of both houses of Congress to the Democrats then it deserves everything that happens to it.
Lynn, yes everyone of them a Democrat. I am so sick of these people and how they get away with their crimes.
Jack I sure wish something like that could be done with all of them.
Les I agree, the bad part is we on the other side have to live under their stupid crimes too. waaaaaaa