10 Feb

Ouch, that’s going to leave a mark! Hillary Crys From Her Left Eye!

Obama sweeps 3 states, Huckabee takes 2

Sen. Barack Obama swept the Louisiana primary and caucuses in Nebraska and Washington state Saturday night, slicing into Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton’s slender delegate lead in their historic race for the Democratic presidential nomination.
The Illinois senator also won caucuses in the Virgin Islands, completing his best night of the campaign.

“Today, voters from the West Coast to the Gulf Coast to the heart of America stood up to say ‘yes we can'” Obama told a cheering audience of Democrats at a party dinner in Richmond, Va.

He jabbed simultaneously at Clinton and Arizona Sen. John McCain, saying the election was a choice between debating the Republican nominee-in-waiting “about who has the most experience in Washington, or debating him about who’s most likely to change Washington. Because that’s a debate we can win.”

Clinton preceded Obama to the podium. She did not refer to the night’s voting, instead turning against McCain. “We have tried it President Bush’s way,” she said, “and now the Republicans have chosen more of the same.”

She left quickly after her speech, departing before Obama’s arrival. But his supporters made their presence known, sending up chants of “Obama” from the audience as she made her way offstage.
Obama’s winning margins ranged from substantial to crushing.
He won roughly two-thirds of the vote in Washington state and Nebraska, and almost 90 percent in the Virgin Islands.
Nearly complete Louisiana returns showed Obama with 57 percent of the vote, to 36 percent for the former first lady. As in his earlier Southern triumphs in Alabama, Georgia and South Carolina, Obama, a black man, rode a wave of African-American support to victory in Louisiana. Clinton won the white vote overwhelmingly.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
The other night when they were counting the votes on Super Tuesday, they asked a group of people to name one thing that Obama has done in the past two years as Sen. that they liked. NO hands went up, no one could think of even one thing. The room went completely silent.
The man asking the question said to Hannity….. this is amazing they can’t come up with even one thing.
Of course not Obama is imo hand sealed and delivered by Soros to the USA. His hand picked candidate from back when he ran for the Senate. Again this is my opinion but how on earth could a man that has done nothing as a Senator, even his voting was mostly “present” instead of yea or nay on things. Just too weird! And none of the media even mention this. They prefer to just say how great he is, and the huge crowds that gather to hear him speak.

Lynn says:

And he keeps talking “CHANGE” but what kind of “CHANGE” is he talking about? I don’t vote for people who blow bubbles out their butts, but I ain’t voting dummycrap anyway.
You gotta tell me what changes you’re going to make and who’s going to pay for them.
He hasn’t even said what he stands for.
I see this–the Bush tax cuts will be gone, taxes on the middle class will go up (because the wealthy will start hiding their money again), higher unemployment, more foreclosures, gas lines, recession and more.
Oh, and my kids will have to learn about Islam and wear Burkhas.
Why don’t people realize how dangerous this man is?

BobF says:

If Obama gets the Democrat nomination, it’s going to be Hell for the Republican (McCain) running against him. Every time one of Obama’s shortcomings or weakness is pointed out, charges of Racism are going to be leveled. I wouldn’t be surprised to see Race Baiters like Jackson and Sharpton play a more important roll in his campaign.

TomR says:

If Obama is elected I expect racial relations to be set back 50 years. Blacks, led by their very racist agitators, will make demands beyond our comprehension right now. There is also that muslim aspect. Obama has some islamic background and he also has ties to the Nation of Islam. An administration of President Obama will more than likely see these radicals and ativists filtering in and establishing agendas very contrary to basic American morals.

Mark says:

Did anyone hear Hillary’s speech yesterday, she didn’t mention the voting nor did she mention Obama, but she did say that there will be a democrat win in November.
I think she has already conceded the nomination to Obama, and will be a matter of time before she is out of it.

Jack says:

Obama, the phenomena manufactured by the media and the morons. Anything is possible when you have a ‘daddy’ and when the media can take a screw-up dereliction of duty Ensign JFK, turn him into a hero then make him president, take another media manufactured lie, LBJ’s Silver Star, the nation’s third-highest combat medal for a mission, like so much of his life, that was a lie. But for JFK and Ted, Joe Kennedy had influence with president Roosevelt at the time. Take the media made heroics of John Kerry, another candidate the media tried to validate for president, it begs the question of who was behind him, we’ve come a long way in being better informed with the internet which is why John McCain wants to curtail free speech, what does McCain and Kerry have hidden in their past? The Clinton’s have to much corruption to hide, it doesn’t all fit under the rug. Barak Obama has no skeleton’s beyond his questionable heritage and belief system that have been exposed, I’ll bet Barak sings this to George Soros every day, he sure does for the lefties of both parties. All are dangerous to our Liberty. That change he touts will be full blown Socialism or worse.

Les says:

Choosing between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama is equivalent to asking someone how they want to be executed — by firing squad or by hanging. Either way, you are dead.
Neither candidate has any CEO-like leadership experience or executive accomplishments that one would think would be necessary to be considered to be President of the United States and Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces. So, instead of experience and achievement, other criteria must be in play and Bill Clinton said it best while campaigning in black churches yet on another Sunday.
“Former President Clinton said Sunday that having to choose between his wife and Sen. Barack Obama for the Democratic presidential nomination is a God-given dilemma.”
“All my life I have wanted to vote for a woman for president,” Clinton told 800 parishioners at the Temple of Praise congregation in Washington. “All my life I have wanted to vote for an African-American for president. … I wonder why God gave us this dilemma.”
The irreverent nerve of this slime ball and con artist to accuse G-d of creating a dilemma for American voters by having them either be a sexist or a racist. The worst part of the story is that many voters are buying in to it and see nothing wrong in what they are doing. The country has reached a new low and I’m afraid that we haven’t touched bottom yet.

Wild Thing says:

Lynn I am really afraid that Obama will win. I pray he doesn’t but the way he is getting all the media behind him and the way the dems react to him with such enthusiam is very concerning.

Wild Thing says:

Bob, I think so too. No matter what the other candidate says it will get twisted into something else.

Wild Thing says:

Tom I agree I think that will happen too. So many things to be concerned about if Obama is elected.

Wild Thing says:

Mark, yes I heard her speech. Double darn, the worst possible person to have would be Obama and the Moslem conection. I am really afraid what he would do.

Wild Thing says:

Jack that is a perfect song, for what you said. Yes he is Soros puppet and Goid help us all.

Wild Thing says:

Les…”The country has reached a new low and I’m afraid that we haven’t touched bottom yet.”….
I agree, this is unreal yet it is happening, we are not having a nightmare or a dream, this is living a death to our land and I want it to survive.