By Robert B. Bluey
CNSNews.com Staff Writer
July 27, 2004 PLEASE note the date of this article, I didn’t have a blog back then but it is interesting to learn this information more then ever with his desire to be President.- Wild Thing
Boston (CNSNews.com) – Without a formidable Republican opponent in his U.S. Senate race, Barack Obama has little reason not to take money from billionaire liberal financier George Soros, a man other Democrats keep at a distance.
When Obama takes the stage Tuesday night for a prime-time address at the Democratic National Convention, the candidate for Senate in Illinois will be introduced to a wider audience for the first time, bringing heightened scrutiny to the relative political newcomer’s campaign.
Democrats expect him to pass any test he faces. They view Obama as a rising star within their party, touting his good looks and ability to connect with voters. If elected Nov. 2, he would become the first black to hold a Senate seat since Carol Moseley Braun, also from Illinois.
Obama, however, is different from most Democrats because of his willingness to embrace the controversial Soros. Shortly after Soros equated the abuses at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, Obama joined him for a New York fund-raiser June 7.
The event, held at Soros’ home, boosted Obama’s campaign at a time he was still facing a challenge from Republican Jack Ryan. After news broke about information in Ryan’s divorce records, the candidate was forced to drop out. The Illinois GOP has yet to find a replacement.
Obama is one of only a handful of candidates to get a personal contribution from George Soros. The others include Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle (D-S.D.), Sens. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.), Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.), Bob Graham (D-Fla.), John Kerry (D-Mass.), Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), U.S. Rep. Tom Lantos, and former Vermont governor Howard Dean.
On issues like health care, education, energy and the economy, Obama has articulated defined positions on his campaign website. But on other matters, the candidate hasn’t been challenged to say where he stands. Obama’s campaign didn’t return CNSNews.com’s calls.
“He’s more of a socialist than he is even a Democrat,” said a critic, Cathy Santos, co-founder of the Chicago-based Republican Young Professionals. “A lot of his policies have the government taking care of people. Instead of giving people a leg up, he would rather give them a leg.”
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Obama…. bought and paid for, there is a word for that but I don’t want to get fired like Don Imus was. I would have to fire myself anyway so maybe it is ok.
This does explain something I have been wondering about. The extremely fast rise in Obama’s political career in such a short time. How many politicians ran for President after being in politics’ for the short length of time that Obama has been? I don’t know the answer, but it is something to take note of for sure.
I found this article while looking for something else and thought you all might like to see it too.
Amnesty for illegals and sympathy for islamofascists by closing GITMO and no waterboarding? Looks like Hanoi really F’D this REAR ADMIRAL up in the brain, eh? No fence built in his own backyard and Mrs. McCain is a rich BUDWEI$ER BABE?
Soros is the power behind the throne. He wants to be coronated King of the World and screw anyone who gets in his way unless they allow themselves to be bought and paid for, like a pony.
The man is a monster. I wouldn’t want to be one of his employees. Oh God forbid he must have treated them badly and paid them even worse.
Soros is a socialist plain and simple. See, he already has billions, but it’s not okay for anyone else to have anything. He reminds me of Leona Helmsley (only little people pay taxes).
Being President has turned into a dog and pony show and millionaires only club. No poor person will EVER occupy 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. And Soros is holding the purse strings.
We may have destroyed the Soviet Union, but Communism/Marxism/socialism is alive and well in the upper strata of America.
Darth, it really bugs me. They could build that fence so fast, no problem. But they just keep putting it off as far as I know,like maybe they won’t have to if they ignore it or something.
Lynn I think your right about Soros wanting to be King of the World. It is like some huge plan he has had for a long time. He is very patient about it too and inch by inch he owns one politician after the other. A very dangerous man for sure.
Tom it sure is, I will never forget how I felt years ago when I learned about the Progressive party, ( socialists all of them) and most of them members of our Congress and Senate. I felt sick deep inside for days.
George Soros’ owning of Democrats and their party also reaches across the aisle.
John McCain: George Soros’ Best Friend
“The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States.” –George Soros
George Soros may, in fact, be more dangerous to the United States and it’s Constitution than Osama bin Laden. The best thing that Conservatives and real Republicans (not McCain RINOs) can do until November is to expose the many facets of George Soros and all the politicians indebted to him.
Les, thank you so much for the information and the link too. Good grief, Soros is like a leathal virus.