Rev Jeremiah Wright’s Message
Wild Thing’s comment……..
A that incites a racial tensions, guess it would be just too hard to be a good preacher and preach the Gospel and motivate his church members to be better people. Naw, so instead it is preach hate, rascism and go out and hate the white peoople. sheesh I truly hate this stuff. Not only becauae it spreads hate but it is also sad to see a person ooogiven power of any kind and then use it for hate.
This is no man of God. He’s as bad as the minister from the Westboro Baptist Church in Kansas.
God said to watch out for these “false prophets.”
A Man of God does not incite riots, bigotry, hatred, etc. He accepts one and all, no matter the color, race, etc.
The right reverand Louis Eugene Walcott speaks through reverand Jeremiah Wright.
Not a hell of a lot different than listening to Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpturd, the self proclaimed leaders of the black community, the message is the same from all the race warlord poverty pimps. There are glowing examples of success in the hood but they are labeled as Uncle Tom’s because they have integrated. But it’s ok, they are free, free to choose what and whom they believe, facts are irrelevant. Even when they set upon their own kind like packs of dogs tearing their prey apart they find the means to blame everyone but themselves. Even in freedom they remain segregated by their chosen leaders. It’s easier and more justifiable to find their acceptance in the following of muhammed than to take personal responsibility for their actions where if you don’t like someone or something you just destroy it in the name of God and justify your actions self-righteously.
Lynn I agree, both this man and the one with the Westboro Baptist Church in Kansas are really bad people and certainly not what God preaches at all.
Jack I agree and what ticks me off is they call all of us rascists when they are the ones that are and feed it daily.