Obama overwhelmingly beat Hillary Clinton with 55 percent support to her 27 percent, and former Sen. John Edwards, trailing with 18 percent support, with almost all preccints reporting.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Hillary has used the phrase “we need a reality check”, in two of the debates so far. This reality check today was one she is not going to be happy with. LOL
Remember what Clinton 42 was like? Hell has no fury like a Clinton scorned! It probably isn’t healthy to win an election against a Clinton.
Obama is evil too, but he hides it well. His vision for this country is akin to a Marxist state.
Edwards is gone as far as how he has been donig, but his hair is still running. heh heh
LOL this still makes me laugh!! Kennedy saying Obama’s name.
Hillary got her Arse whooped, but Obama had better start watching his back. I don’t think the Clintons expected this kind of competion.
Ironically, it has been 40 years since RFK ran for President, he was clean, articulate and charismatic and he was running away with the deligates. And everyone knows the rest of the story.
The fact that there are alot of dead bodies associated with the Clintons should not go unnoticed.
As for us Romney appears to be the only thing resembling a conservative, so I guess half a loaf is better than none.
I love the cartoon, but both better watch their backs. We have no worry that Edwards can win–he can’t. He really blew it with his “I’m going to take your health insurance away from you.” ad.
But there are those out there who will see nothing wrong with offing a black president or a female president.
Had Bobby Kennedy not been killed, he would have been the President and we all know he would have, so they took him out.
Those two children playing the mud are not thinking about America. All I hear is change, change, change. What change do we have to make? They aren’t telling me. I’ve always believed that if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
I get a warm feeling out of seeing Hillary humiliated. Obama would probably be just as bad a president, but Hillary(and Bill) have earned my wrath. Hillary is only down, not out. She and her conjoined hubby will come back with a vengence. I hope Obama and Hillary(Bill)combat each other in such a bloody fashion that the voting populace will turn down the survivor in the general election.
No matter how bad it gets in a primary fight the Democrats and many Independents will form a large block of voters who support the Democrat candidate, will not vote for a Republican, and will vote just on the basis of changing the party currently in the White House. Barack Obama is bringing in a lot of new young and black voters. Hillary Clinton is bringing in a lot of new women voters of all ages and mostly lower education and income.
The Republicans have destroyed the party and no matter who wins the nomination the party will be divided in the general election. Many unhappy Republicans and Conservatives will be bitter and not vote. Republicans are not exciting the voters and they are not adding new voters to counterbalance or exceed the Democrats.
So, although it is enjoyable watching the Clinton/Obama mud fights it is hard to believe that any significant number of the Democratic core, left leaning Independents, and newly registered will not vote for the Democratic candidate no matter who that Socialist may be. Does anyone really believe that either McCain or Romney can unite all Republicans, Conservatives, and enough Independents to win the election?
It will be a sad election day next November and even a sadder “black armband” inauguration day next January when a Socialist becomes President and Commander-in-Chief.
Numbah 2 by a 2:1 margin. I’m happy in one sense and saddend in another, they are overwhelminly Socialists in SC.
Watching Hitlery Rotten Clinton get destroyed in the Palmetto State is like popping a Cialis tablet and drinking a tall cold glass of precious H2o for my bodily fluids… Watching the embarrassed Clintonistas fly out of the Myrtle Beach Jet Port on their brooms TWO HOURS ahead of schedule to diss the press was… PRICELESS! Back to my lovely Cialis four hour reaction!!! Time to play ring toss, horse shoes and dust. Go NY GIANTS!!! “We don’t need no stinking cheerleaders WT!”
Bill and Hillary Clinton are the semen stain on the blue fabric of American politics.
Just heard on fox that all is not well in Donkey land. Toad Kennedy who a week ago told Clinton to shut his mouth. Has today endorsed Obama, perhaps a lucid moment for the ‘Toadster’ nonetheless, he endorsed obama without any slips or foot in mouths of Osama obama.
And, for all its worth. Caroline Kennedy has also endorsed Obama.
I would love to have a tap on Clintons phone or in there room, where the china is flying across the room at his ‘nibs’, to hear what they are saying about this one.
That is a huge endorsement for Obama and it leaves the Clintons adrift in a lonely sea of unfriendly politics. Aaaaaww…
So who do we got that can beat them…
Hitlery Clinton would be as bad a US President as Caroline’s brother was a pilot! Ironic that salt water isn’t an advocate of JFK, Teddy or John John! Very interesting that Taxachusettes liberal elites are endorsing Obama and not the Arkansas Hillbillies, eh (John Kerry, Caroline and now Teddy Doggypaddle Kennedy)…The NAACP that supported Hitlery two months ago is scrambling now… big time. And my GOPhers threw Fred and Duncan to the dogs…. Mark Twain was right that France is governed by prostitutes. We are also, and add a few pimps to his equation of reality!
Mark, I agree, all those dead people in the Clinton’s life would have been my first concern if I ran against them.
I have the same feeling I doubt the Clinton’s thought it would be this close in the race. I know I sure didn’t think so. I honestly thought most Dems would vote for her just to get their favorite President Bill Clinton back.
Lynn, your right, that both of them better watch their backs. This is not going to be a warm and fuzzie race, more like a very bloodie one with lots of jabs at each other.
Tom, yes, maybe if it gets bloody enough they will both start to bring up the things we have all learned about both of them. If they do that and use that kind of ammo, they might even implode on their own. heh heh
Les, I told Nick the other night I bet for a lot of people this is the first time in their life they are voting since Obama is in the running. Adults that never voted ever.
Yes I don’t think that our side has anyone left that can unite the Republican party. I saw it months and months ago when Hunter and Thompson were still in the race. Tons of conservatives saying they would not vote for Hunter or Thompson because they could not beat Hillary. I always told them I had to give it a try at least and pray and hope it would work out. But then they both pulled out so my vote and Nick’s went poof.
Jack yes they sure are, that is what I am seeing too. How these States population are so far left.
drstrangeloveb52isok,LOL so funny, yes the Superbowl is almost here.
Les…….hahahahahaha right now those even feel like the good ole days. At least we had a party that we knew where we ‘thought’ it stood.
Mark oh my gosh, yes that is huge. I agree I would love to hear the conversations going on after this endorsement.
LOL they better have their own floor in the hotel they stay at or people are going to complain from all the screaming and lamps flying. Like she did that other time on the
“60 Minutes” show.
Darth….”And my GOPhers threw Fred and Duncan to the dogs”….yes they sure did. I was very upset about that. It was hard to find a lot of people for either one of them (Hunter or Thompson). So sad.
And now we have to pick from what is left on the plate.
Osama Bin Obama? This is the first time a Kennedy has gotten anything right in 40 years. But either way we get a rotter in the White House.