It appears that the Edwards Campaign is about to take the exit ramp to Hillary’s favorite Park.
John Edwards Hits Hillary Clinton as Part of Corrupt Washington Establishment
Fox News
Presidential hopeful John Edwards said Thursday the Washington establishment is corrupt and suggested — without mentioning her by name — that rival Hillary Rodham Clinton has been part of that corroded system.
Edwards’ new stump speech, centered on a a need for change and aimed at his top two rivals, comes just before Labor Day, the traditional start of the primary nominating season in this state where he has seen his polling lead slip in recent months.
“Real change starts with being honest, and I want to say something again: The system in Washington is rigged, and I’ll say it again, it’s rigged and it’s rigged by greedy powers,” Edwards said Thursday.
“It’s rigged by the system to favor the establishment,” he said at Dartmouth College
The American people deserve to know that their presidency is not for sale. The Lincoln Bedroom is not for rent,” Edwards said to applause, referencing a Clinton-era controversy in which high-dollar donors were allowed to stay in the White House’s famed bedroom.
He said the past isn’t going to solve today’s problems or “a corrupt a corroded system.”
“Those wed to the policies of the ’70s, ’80s or the ’90s are wedded to the past, ideas and policies that are tired, shopworn and obsolete. We will find no answers there,” he said
Clinton served as first lady during most of the 1990s.
Edwards later said he didn’t mean to target Clinton during his new stump speech.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
This is just too funny. They are both corrupt. It seems Edwards is getting desperate as he strikes out at the Hillary. Visions of Vince Foster headlines come to mind.
… whose worse, Al Gore and John ‘Opee’ Edwards lecturing to us like we have no common sense what
so ever, or Dubya TRYING to lecture us while leaving out the words in the middle of his sentences? Or Hitlery ‘Her Thighness’ Clinton bullsh*tting us like we’re third graders?
At least the Conservative Party of Canada has Stephen Harper!
Break Girl John Edwards Slams Hillary About Corruption
It’s kind of funny watching and listening to the left argue amongst themselves like kids–he did this to me, so I’m doing that to him.
At least it’s making it fun to watch and see how the DNC will fall apart.
It’s almost like Let’s Make a Deal or Treasure Hunt, if anyone remembers those old game shows. Act like a fool for a prize.
Is that what they think this is? A game show?
Hey, I’m doing the hiring here. So far, the DNC is just barely skating by.
I watched Ann Coulter and a Democrat strategist, Steve Murphy, on Hannity and Colmbs last night. Both Ann and this Democrat say the reason the other candidates won’t actually name Hillary in stuff like this is because they’re scared of retribution. Everyone knew who Obama’s wife was talking about when she made her remarks about not being able to run her own house but she didn’t name Hillary out of fear. It was mentioned that the Associated Press interviewed 40 prominent Democrats throughout American and 39 of them said they feared retribution by the Clinton machine if they attacked Hillary. Ann said if you do attack Hillary by name, make sure everyone knows you’re not contemplating suicide, not planning on visiting any parks or flying on any airplanes, and that your taxes are ok.
I hope Edwards lasts awhile. I want the Dems to battle hard, long and dirty. Brek boy being a sleazy trial lawyer should be able to score significant points against Hillary before she takes him down like a piece of rodent prey to a wily coyote.
I like what Tom said, I agree. Look at the boost to the economy, especially the service industry as Edwards squanders his money, jousting with the wicked witch of the East and the forces of islam while they, like a can of worms, slime their way across the nation doing the bidding of the Communists. He didn’t mean to target the wicked witch??? He’s desperate!!! Somebody pull his finger so he can tell which way the wind is blowing.
Darth, hahaha they all have something don’t they. LOL
I just hope Edwards and all of them stay in right up to the bitter end. I loce when the let attacks each other. heh heh
Lynn, I agree it is fun and better their side then ours. heh heh
Bob I agree a thousand percent.
No one could convine me that Hillary and Bill did not have people murdered. I believe that with all my heart. There were way too many dead people around that were connected to the Clinton’s. Then add in the FBI files they did on all those people, and Sen. and Congressmen.
The Clinton’s are extremely dangerous people.imo
Tom, LOL I love it, and I agree. I want Edwards to stay till the very end whatever that will be.
Jack……”He didn’t mean to target the wicked witch??? He’s desperate!!! Somebody pull his finger so he can tell which way the wind is blowing.”…..
LOL good one.
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