16 Jul

Edwards Wants Help From Iran and Syria For Iraq

Please note the finger on the gun.

John Edwards seeks help from Iran, Syria in stabilizing Iraq
International Herald Tribune
The United States needs help from Syria and Iran in stabilizing Iraq, Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards said Saturday.
He also called the Iraqi prime minister a weak leader.
Edwards again said that if he were president today, he would immediately reduce the number of U.S. troops in Iraq by about 50,000.

“The Iraqis are going to have to take responsibility, and they haven’t,” he told people at a campaign stop in Iowa.

The former senator told reporters that the U.S. “should be making our own evaluation about the circumstances in Iraq” and that Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has not proved effective in stopping violence.

The Sunni leadership is very fragmented, al-Maliki is a weak leader, and there’s been very little progress made to reach a fundamental political compromise, which is the whole issue,” Edwards said. “If that were to occur, there would be a much higher chance of stability in Iraq.”

Other countries in the region, including U.S. foes Iran and Syria, must become involved in Iraq’s future, Edwards said. “We need to engage them directly into helping to stabilize Iraq.”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Reduce the troop numbers by 50,000, and we’ll have an even higher body count to contend with. The enemy, according to my emails from those in the theatre, are on the run right now. Remove the troops from the battle field and the enemy will return.
The United States needs help from Syria and Iran in stabilizing Iraq,
That’s like saying the U.S. needed help from Nazi Germany in stabilizing Europe.
This is some scary stuff. A guy with something of a chance to become President of the United States wants to get two of the three leaders in the world that hate the United States the most to HELP us. That makes no damn sense at all.

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

… Edwards and his ilk represent the Democratic Party of Godlessness, atheists, secularists, immorality, chaos, the culture of death,
no ethics, + 48 million abortions, no patriotism nor sacrifices, and the blame America first crowd! Jackals run with jackals so don’t be surprised. This is the ‘boy’ who said “our war on terror is a bumper sticker.” Like the Clintons and others, he $old hi$ $oul to the devil a short time ago!

Edwards Wants Help From Iran and Syria For Iraq

Steve Gaston says:

OK!!!! This is beyond obtuse and bizarre.
1) Edwards is insane
2) Edwards is smoking too much whoopee parsley
3) Edwards is overcome by fumes from his hairdo
4) ALL of the above!

BobF says:

During the 2004 Presidential Elections the Demorats were saying their weren’t enough troops in Iraq. Now when the President sends more troops in, they want to reduce the number of troops.

TomR says:

Maybe instead Edwards should just ask Syria and Iran to help him with his campaign. Once Hillary gets rid of the second tier candidates she will turn on Breck Boy and he will wonder what hit him.
BobF makes a very valid point on Democraps and troop numbers.

Jon says:

Very nice blog! Thanks for adding your conservative voice to the net :). I am trying to get a conservative digg alternative going called GOP Hub (GOPhub.com). Anything you can do to help get the word out would be awesome. Plus you can submit on it any articles you write here on your blog. Take care and have a great week!

Lynn says:

While I agree the Iraqis MUST start taking a more “forward” approach to running their own country, we, must, on the other hand, be very vigilant and stay the course for the time being. We have to protect the Gulf. That’s just what “Handjob” wants is to blockade the Gult and take us down financially, because we rely too much on the oil from that region of the world mainsly because the liberal tree huggers and environmental wackjobs won’t let us drill.
Oh God, our job is so hard. Those liberal dummycraps are just like little babies throwing temper tantrums.

Wild Thing says:

Darth I agree so much, he has sold his soul to the devil. And if I ever met Edwards I would say that right to his face.

Wild Thing says:

Steve haha all the above.

Wild Thing says:

Bob, I agree I don’t think anything will make them happy. Their hate for our military, for Bush and protecting this country is too strong.
I sometimes wonder if they think we just stay free because of stupid politicians and not our military.

Wild Thing says:

Tom, heh heh VERY true.
“Once Hillary gets rid of the second tier candidates she will turn on Breck Boy and he will wonder what hit him.”

Wild Thing says:

Jon, thank you.

Wild Thing says:

Lynn, great comment, thank you so much. I agree our job is very hard.