Nancy Pelosi Invests In Iran-linked Company
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has disclosed that she holds stock valued at up to $15,000 in Alcatel-Lucent (formerly Alcatel SA), a company with extensive investments in Iran and Sudan — nations that sponsor terrorism.
The disclosure of Pelosi’s holdings comes at the same time that legislation is making its way through the California legislature barring state pension fund managers from investing in companies, like Alcatel-Lucent, that do business with “terror-friendly” nations.
According to Divestterror.org, a citizens group pushing a South Africa-style disinvestment program to discourage companies from doing business in terror countries, Alcatel-Lucent’s investments in terror countries are so extensive that it is included on the organization’s “dirty dozen” list of offending companies. The organization estimates that the company has invested upwards of $300 million in terror sponsoring nations during the past five years.
According to Divestterror.org, Alcatel is aiding Iran’s terrorist activities by providing state controlled companies with data transmission and switching network capabilities. “These contracts have reportedly included the provision of hardware, software, technologies, and training to Iranian companies.” It is also installing an undersea telecommunications cable in Iran.
Prior to his overthrow, Alcatel carried out major fiber optic products for dictator Saddam Hussein in Iraq, despite U.S. government warnings to the French company that the project could advance Iraqi military capabilities.
Alcatel is currently “involved in similar telecommunications projects ranging from upgrading networks to the installation underwater fiber optic cables” in Sudan and Libya.
Criticizing Alcatel, former House Armed Services Committee Chairman and current GOP presidential contender Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.) expressed his worry over Alcatel’s activities in a letter to President Bush. In it, he wrote, “I am concerned about potential transfers of technology or sensitive information to other countries with which Alcatel has business dealings, which have included Burma, China, Iran, North Korea, Sudan and Syria.”
Wild Thing’s comment………..
Brought to us by the party of ethics is in power.
……Thank you Beth at MVRWC for the link and article.
Nancy Pelosi Invests In Iran-linked Company
Nancy Pelosi Invests In Iran-linked Company
“WW II was not a war to be won… It was a situation to be solved? The U.S. Civil War was not a war to be won… It was a situation to be solved? Securing our U.S. borders is not a war against illegal immigration in post 9-11 times to be won… It is a situation to be solved?
Erectile dysfunction is not a problem achieving sexual satisfaction with your loved one… It is a situation to be solved? – WTF? Where do these losers come from? That’s right – blue states!
While it’s a good thing to invest, better do your homework on what you’re investing in!
She is a traitor to us all.
Situation to be solved? How do you solve such a situation?
We tried that route and it failed.
What do you do with an unruly child who you have tried everything under the sun to make it behave and nothing has worked. The final remedy is the spank the child on it’s hind end. Not beat the child, but spank it.
Iraq is getting a spanking right now.
Didn’t Nazi Peeloser ever spank her children?
Must not have.
We MUST win this war! That’s how you solve the situation. Let our troopers WIN the war.
She missed the battle and the war.
She reminds me of Commodus from Gladiator.
Can’t we do something to not have to look at her. I mean, “DANG” !! The photo (floating on the internet) of her with JFK in her “Monica Lewinsky” dress is kinda cute, but in 2007…WHOA!
Looking at Pelosi reminds me of that quote from a M*A*S*H episode; “If my dog was as ugly as you, I’d comb its butt and teach it to walk backwards”.
SSgt Steve, USMC
Pelosi is a situation, a strange one! She is so loony that I think she will actually drive some fence sitters away from the Dems.
Most dems are accidents waiting to happen, P’losi has happened, like Sh** happens, she smells like it, looks like it, good thing we didn’t step in it.
I. Can. Not. Stand. This. Woman.
Darth I think they are born from under some rock like the terrorists.
Lynn….”She reminds me of Commodus from Gladiator.”….oh wow Lynn she does!!
Steve….LMAO omg that is hilarious!
Tom, hahahaha She IS a situation your right. A walking talking situation. hahahaa
Mark, heh heh what a great way to say it. Yes and I hope haul off the Pelosi accident asap and get her out of our government.
Yankeemom, me either. My husband put a print of out her on his dart board. heh heh