22 Jun

Pelosi Website says Sure we Fund the Troops er ah Canadian Troops

Take a look at the pic on Pelosi’s website (it’s a flash thing, so wait till it comes around but there is a screen cap below) where she touts how “the House is providing the largest increase in veterans’ funding in history”. The picture?
That of a Canadian officer, all epaulets have “CANADA” in gold lettering on the epaulets on the part nearest the sleeve.
Nancy Pelosi website
Can you believe it?Good grief!!!

Jack says:

Pelosi had the morals of a whore on heroin, that type of insult ot our military can be expected of her. Besides obstruction, treason and a minimum wage increase what has the new congress accomplished?

Pelosi Website says Sure we Fund the Troops er ah Canadian Troops

raz0r says:

Just a simple mistake. She’ll have the spin doctors on it right away.

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

Nazi Pelosi & Meatballs would fit in great in socialist and pro-muslim Canada? I think the Mother Canuckers have less than 9,000 military personnel in their ‘armed forces’ now and if Iceland invades Nova Scotia, my $$$ is on Iceland, eh? Sorry Ottawa… Le Coup De Stanley remains in Anaheim… and in the USA! Anaheim Ducks 2006-2007 Stanley Cup Champions!

Wild Thing says:

Jack I agree, there is no way she did not look at it before it was published online. She took no care to make sure it was correct. grrrrrrr

Wild Thing says:

razOr, I hope she gets a lot of calls from the Dems that have sons serving now, families that voted for her and I hope they lay into her but good.

Wild Thing says:

Darth, hahaha, my money would be on Iceland too.