Take a look at the pic on Pelosi’s website (it’s a flash thing, so wait till it comes around but there is a screen cap below) where she touts how “the House is providing the largest increase in veterans’ funding in history”. The picture?
That of a Canadian officer, all epaulets have “CANADA” in gold lettering on the epaulets on the part nearest the sleeve.
Nancy Pelosi website
Can you believe it?Good grief!!!
Pelosi had the morals of a whore on heroin, that type of insult ot our military can be expected of her. Besides obstruction, treason and a minimum wage increase what has the new congress accomplished?
Pelosi Website says Sure we Fund the Troops er ah Canadian Troops
Just a simple mistake. She’ll have the spin doctors on it right away.
Nazi Pelosi & Meatballs would fit in great in socialist and pro-muslim Canada? I think the Mother Canuckers have less than 9,000 military personnel in their ‘armed forces’ now and if Iceland invades Nova Scotia, my $$$ is on Iceland, eh? Sorry Ottawa… Le Coup De Stanley remains in Anaheim… and in the USA! Anaheim Ducks 2006-2007 Stanley Cup Champions!
Jack I agree, there is no way she did not look at it before it was published online. She took no care to make sure it was correct. grrrrrrr
razOr, I hope she gets a lot of calls from the Dems that have sons serving now, families that voted for her and I hope they lay into her but good.
Darth, hahaha, my money would be on Iceland too.