RI Students Must Watch ‘Inconvenient Truth’ to Graduate
(CNSNews.com)…for complete article
To receive a degree from Roger Williams University in Rhode Island, students are being forced to watch “An Inconvenient Truth,” the documentary on global warming produced by former Vice President Al Gore.
The science class requirement has prompted one conservative student to declare that “we should stop calling these schools ‘bastions of knowledge’ since they’re really bastions of leftist thought.”
The controversy at Roger Williams University (RWU) in Bristol, R.I., began the week before Earth Day, when the professors teaching the laboratory portion of “Core 101: Science, Technology and Society” required their students to watch Gore’s Oscar-winning film in class.
The course is one of 12 that students at the university must take in order to graduate.
However, Dana Peloso, an RWU junior and president of the school’s chapter of the College Republicans, sent a letter questioning the course requirement to Jeffrey Hughes, assistant dean of marine and natural sciences.
In his email response, Hughes stated that “I only recently saw ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ and have to think that it’s an ideal subject for a Core lab,” because “the point of Core is to inform students of scientific principles and help them make decisions on issues with a scientific basis in their everyday lives.”
As educators, we’re charged to encourage your intellectual growth,” Hughes added. “That can (actually, will) be uncomfortable at times, and we’re also here to help you deal with that discomfort. It’s truly what makes being a human such a joy, privilege and challenge.”
Wild Thing’s comment……..
What has this world come to? Just when you thought it could NOT get any MORE ridiculous, well, lookeee here! How many credits does one get these days for watching fiction?
“As educators, we’re charged to encourage your intellectual growth,” Hughes added. “That can (actually, will) be uncomfortable at times, and we’re also here to help you deal with that discomfort. It’s truly what makes being a human such a joy, privilege and challenge.”
Typical leftist college professer ‘know it all’ attitude. We’re the enlightened, and though it is a burden sometimes, we’ll lead you to full knowledge, as we define it, whether you agree or not.
I guess my kids won’t be going to that University.
How can a teacher say it’s science when it’s full of bunk?
Maybe if it was an assignment and the students were allowed to speak their minds through an essay and if the teacher agreed to see both sides?
That’s not going to happen.
Conservative kids get ridiculed and treated worse in schools than liberal kids. I see it happening every day.
What happened to educate the children, not indoctrinate them?
Half these kids can’t even write a decent essay or do simple math. It’s all about the teachers viewpoints and to heck with what the class is about.
This is unacceptable. If we allow this, next thing those leftist teachers will be refusing to let people graduate if they dont read textbooks! We cant let them take our constitutional right to ignorance! If people wish to avoid exposure to education, then its a breech of human rights to deny them qualifications because of that.
This could backfire on those professors. As the students watch this propaganda film, it may cause them to really question the global warming concept. Then they may question other concepts of their enlightened professors.
Suricou, would you also OK military recruiting films as mandatory to graduate??
Suricou is describing herself. Ignorance squared. Because she can’t distinguish between science and the ideology she fetishizes, she claims with a cloddish attempt at irony that failing to promote her politics in education is the same as suppressing knowledge. Don’t you EVER read your own nonesense, Suricou?
This, by the way, is the problem with the Suricous of the world. She’s a particularly horrendous example of an obsessive leftie who refuses to acknowledge realities that don’t fit her religion.
The challenge is still in place. When you decide to read a book someday, develop a rational set of beliefs, can distinguish between your fantasies and reality, can discuss religion without dispensing with your own frustrations and disappointments and ignorance, can recognize inconsistencies in your own posts, then…
Tell us all why your moral system is superior to all others.
Thank you WT, Socialist indoctrination should never be a prerequisite to a obtaining a graduation certificate, this is a profound predilection of the new England States. Good point Tom, Thank you for the obvious Rhod. We appall those who have George Galloway’s moral and ethical values imposing their ideals on our youth.
That old Morrocan saw comes to mind.
Sing a song of sixpence
A pocket full of rye
Four and twenty blackbirds
Baked in a pie
When the pie was opened
The birds began to sing
Wasn’t that a dainty dish
To set before the king.
“Charged with the encouragement of intelectual growth” ?
How does that relate to shoving lies down kids throat, sounds more like brainwashing to me.
The Left is composed of authoritarian personalities like Suricou. Their reaction to a rational world which rejects their fantasies, is (A) to accuse everyone else of being stupid, and (B), to FORCE everyone else to shut up and behave.
I like TomR’s idea of Military films on campus. When I was in Boot Camp, Parris Island Campus, we were supposed to see, ‘Sands of Iwo Jima’, but it got cancelled. Sure would have beat 1000 ‘Bends and Thrusts.
What is strange though is the left actually believe Algore has a clue. But now P’lousey wants a bill to attack Global Warming with the CIA, Is there a liberal out there that has one wit of common sense ?
Folks should take up a collection and send the
school 15 or 20 copys of Unstoppable Global Warming: Every 1500 Years,that would make the
professors day….
Will they be making Screw Loose Change mandatory for graduation? Or how about Michael Moore is a Big, Fat Liar? No?! Didn’t think so.
The leftists at universities already censor by providing “recommended” reading lists. It’s rare to find a conservative book in the mix. And you’d think one was a blasphemer or heretic to offer a dissenting view. Heaven help us that a conservative voice is heard in a class.
Just a question, about Moore who is making another Goebbels movie about the great health care in Cuba. When he turns himself in to the obese police, and to have his stomache stapled where will he have the procedure, Cuba or Canada ?
Strange isn’t it Castro developed diverticulitis, but left Cuba to go to Europe to have it taken care of. Could it be the dictator is as big a hypocrit as Michale Moore.
This is the health care hillary wants to foist onto the American people, NO Thanks.
Lynn that is just what it is, like some kind of brainwashing. I am worried for my nieces and nephews when they get the age for College.
Thanks Lynn.
Suricou, how sad you don’t see the difference in propaganda being forced on people in schools and true education.
Tom, yes it could happen like that. They are taught to question everything, so maybe they will also question this film. I hope so.
Good point about the military Tom.
Rhod, hahaha so true!!!!! You hit the nail on the head.
Jack, good one.
Mark it sure is brainwashing. Your right.
Tincan Sailor that would be good. heh heh
razOr good one, the teachers probably worship Moore. augh
Mark, I agree with you so much, no thanks.