03 May

Bush Addressed The CENTCOM Coalition Conference At MacDill

President Bush shakes hands with head of the U.S. Central command, Navy Admiral William J. Fallon before a speech to coalition forces.

On Tuesday, President Bush Addressed The CENTCOM Coalition Conference At MacDill Air Force Base In Tampa, Florida.
America is joined in the fight against terrorists by more than 90 nations, including every country represented in the CENTCOM Coalition. The work of these countries has helped liberate millions of people, has kept brutal enemies on the defensive, and has helped keep millions of our citizens safe.
The Video may be viewed here of Bush speaking to the CENTCOM Coalition.

Wild Thing’s comment………
It is an excellent speech.
It has now been 85 days since President Bush requested that Congress pass emergency funds for our troops.
President Bush vetoed the UNCONSTITUTIONAL pork filled monstrosity of an excuse for an emergency funding bill for our beloved troops.

Jack says:

The Democrats have sucessfully wasted the first quarter of this year in obstructionism and hate. The nation is paying for it through their treason acts of tipping off the enemy, their lack of military support and increased taxpayer expense in the form of pork. Despicable Marxists.

raz0r says:

The libs sure accomplished a lot in those first 100 days.

Wild Thing says:

Jack isn’t it horrible, they have no shame at all.

Wild Thing says:

razOr yes so much hate to do in so little time, I hope they are gone in 2 years. Hope pray hope dream. sigh