03 Feb

Russ Vaughn on Arkin

WaPo Weasels II
Contributed by Russ Vaughn
Want to slam our soldiers, Arkin?
Well here is one to slam.
I got used to Lefty slamming
When I came back from Vietnam.
So you want to put a muzzle
On our brave fighting men?
Well try muzzling me you jerk,
Just tell me where and when.
Your profession needs a lesson
In basic free speech rights,
For those you worms all hide behind,
For those who fight your fights.
Like all your soft and smarmy kind,
You really have no clue,
Who American warriors truly are,
What our warriors truly do.
How many times in your four years
As a chair-borne analyst,
Were you within an ocean’s width
Of combat’s hard mailed fist?
How many medals did you earn
In those warrens at Fort Meade?
In four years of four-eyed service,
Just what was your bravest deed?
FOX news has combat warriors
To help us understand the score,
While MSM uses clerks like you,
Who have never been to war.
Your resentment of your betters,
Seeps through your bitter writing,
And shows you have no clue or care
Of those who do the fighting.
Like your ivy-cloistered Comrades, your war’s between the classes,
Dialectics, speeches, theory, your heads firmly up your asses.
Russ Vaughn
2d Bn, 327th Parachute Infantry Regiment
101st Airborne Division
Vietnam 65-66

* Old War Dogs

Mark says:

Only one thing to say..Oohrah
Semper Fi.

Rhod says:

Terrific, Russ.
You speak for all of us, once again.

TomR says:


William Arkin and Freedom of the Press

I’m know that by now every one has heard all they ever want to know about William Arkin and his insulting, belittling, ungrateful, condescending anti-military rant. There’s nothing I can add to the outrage that has been so well stated in ma…