14 Jan

California Muslim Arrested after Threat to ‘Kill All Jews’

California Muslim Arrested after Threat to ‘Kill All Jews’
PALM SPRINGS A 35-year-old man was arrested after he allegedly made terrorist threats inside a Palm Springs bar, police said.
Officers detained Haider Mohammad of Palm Springs about 8 p.m. Friday at the Hair of the Dog Bar at 238 North Palm Canyon after he allegedly said he was going to “kill all Jews,” said Palm Springs Police Sgt. Mitch Spike.
According to witnesses, Mohammad also allegedly claimed to have an alliance with executed former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and to be affiliated with al-Qaeda.
Mohammad was detained on suspicion of making terrorist threats in what was called a hate crime, Spike said. FBI investigators who were contacted by Palm Springs police determined that Mohammad was not a person of interest, he said.
Mohammad was booked at the Palm Springs jail and released after posting $25,000 bail.

Wild Thing’s comment……
What the heck, what does it take for someone to be a person of interest. I would assume that there are levels of how much a person would be a person of interest but my gosh at least don’t label this jerk and NOT a person of interest. “Not a person of interest,” eh? If threatening to kill Jews and bragging about ties to al-Qaeda doesn’t get the FBI “interested,” what will?

TomR says:

What’s Mohammad doing in a bar? I thought Allah didn’t want his goofy followers to partake of booze. There is nothing stable about these moslem yo-yos. This must not have been a redneck bar or old Mo would have been ambulance material. Probably a gay bar.
Person of Interest is a stupid politically correct term used now by police spokesmen to cover up that some jerk is really a suspect.

I think by ‘not a person of interest’ they mean ‘All talk, no action’ – he may brag about commiting a terrorist act, but he hasn’t the capability or determination to be a threat.
Muslims can go in bars, they just cant have anything alcoholic.

Billy says:

“Muslims can go in bars, they just can’t have anything alcoholic.”
That’s because Allah forbids the consumption of alcohol before flying commercial airplanes with innocent civilians on board into buildings full of more innocent civilians.
They can also go to school,….they just can’t take reading comprehension or inter-personal communications.

Jack says:

Why the Moslems are as pure as the driven snow, the Saudi Princes use alcohol only for sacramental purposes, just like Christians use sacramental wine, just like the Afghans use poppies for heroin and the Moroccans use hashish. Remember there is no hypocrisy in islam, the koran forbids it. That’s why when I was in Cleveland, Los Angeles, Chicago and Houston on business trips with Pakistani and Persian engineers we religiously drank every night after their 5PM prayers, they did avoid sausage and bacon for the morning after, it wasn’t ‘soul food’, piety you know.

RWB says:

I am sure its just fine with the “big mo” if a mooselim has a fifth of Johnny Walker and a beer or twelve with the infidel that they intend to kill. These savages even want to put Wild Thing in a burqua.

Rhod says:

The real question is this: When he went to driving school to get his license, did he say he only care about going foward, and not about backing up.

Wild Thing says:

Tom, I thought so too about the booze for Muslims.
Hahahaha That is funny what you said about a gay bar. haha

Wild Thing says:

Suricou Raven, that explains why they are all over the place when a person goes to Las Vegas.

Wild Thing says:

Billy, good one.

Wild Thing says:

Jack hahahha yes what a piety. I love bacon.

Wild Thing says:

RWB heh heh, I can see that now me in a burka. haha They look like they itch.

Wild Thing says:

Rhod, how funny. hahahahha
They might be only interested in that going forward thing. hahaha