01 Nov

Project Valour IT: Marines

For those of us that love our Marines and appreciate all they do. Those of us that have Marines in our family this is a great opportunity to say thank you.
Because some of you have sons and daughters serving now, I want to give you an opportunity as well to donate to their branch with Project Valour IT.
Dates: From October 30th until November 10th (a day rich with significance for many reasons, not the least of which is that on that day in 1775 the United States Marine Corps was founded by the Continental Congress) Theodore’s World or also known as PC Free Zone will carry the battle colors for the Project Valour IT Marine Corps fundraising team.
If you’re a blogger, you can sign up and join a team here. You will get button code so your readers can make a donation (see below) that will be credited to your team.
If you wish to donate, you can use the button below or the one in my sidebar, or send a check (with MARINES in all caps on it!) to:
Soldiers’ Angels
1150 N Loop 1604 W, Suite 108-493
San Antonio, TX 78248
Other ways to promote:
* Blog and email your friends about Valour-IT and the competition
* Tell your friends, family and neighbors about Valour-IT
* Challenge your co-workers or employer to match donations
* Consider involving clubs, churches, or charitable organizations you are involved with. Maybe your church would designate all or part of a Sunday collection. How about Scouts?
* Post flyers around your neighborhood
* If you have any contacts in the media (local or national newspapers, radio, TV, PLEASE spread the word! Point them to the Project Valour IT site
Project Valour IT offers a way for us to tell them we have not forgotten their sacrifices, and that is truly priceless.

BobF says:

My uncle is a staunch Marine…no such thing as a former Marine, except for Murtha and his likes. When I first enlisted in the Air Force he used to ride me pretty good. Unforutnately our Service Dress Uniform looked like a bus drivers uniform, especially when you had no stripes or only one stripe. Every time he saw me, he used to yell, “he bus driver, when is the bus leaving”. This went for a few years until, at the suggestion of my MSgt shop chief, I shot back with “not until you porters load the luggage”. Needless to say he quit riding me about being a bus driver. Today, his youngest son is an AF Chief Master Sergeant.

Rhod says:

You know, Bob, in the ’60’s they seemed to want us to look as ridiculous as possible. The Marines looked great, but the Army gave us a suntan uniform that made us look like prison inmates.
flat, wide collar, short sleeves, no tie, first button of the shirt in the middle of your chest, cuffs the size of garbage cans and a rise eighteen inches long. When it was pressed, we looked like we’d been run over by a steam roller. I hated it. Whenever I passed a Marine in uniform I covered my face.
Winter greens were somewhat better, but the whole ensemble weighed about forty pounds, and the plastic raincoat swept the floor.
I always thought that the designer was either demented or a liberal.

BobF says:

Nothing is sharper than a Marine Dress Uniform. They do have the best looking uniforms.

Wild Thing says:

Bob, I love hearing about how his youngest son is an AF Chief Master Sergeant. How perfect is that. Tah dah!