A plan is in place to censure and impeach President Bush and Vice President Cheney. Orchestrated and organized by the radical Left and Congressman John Conyers, Jr., this plan is ready to go should the Democratic Party take control of the House of Representatives in November.
The plan is the ultimate manifestation of left-wing hatred for George W. Bush rooted in the contentious election of 2000. Since failing to defeat Bush in 2004, the Left has focused its efforts on destroying his presidency by assembling a list of charges aimed at impeaching him.
Around the same time, Senator John Kerry, D-MA, told a gathering of 100 Democrats that, should they capture the House in 2006, there would be a “solid case” for impeachment based on President Bush’s “misleading” the American public over prewar intelligence. Kerry was picking up where another prominent Democrat had, on November 1, 2005, left off. On that day, Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid called a rare closed Senate session with other Democrats to look into the “misinformation and disinformation” used by the Bush administration to justify Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Boxer and Kerry weren’t the only prominent Democrats discussing the possibility of impeachment during 2005. Such matters were also being discussed by Diane Feinstein, Carl Levin and Ron Wyden, who, along with Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid and left-leaning Republicans Chuck Hagel and Olympia Snowe, called for both Senate Intelligence and Judiciary Committee investigations into the NSA wiretaps. And on December 20, 2005, Rep. John Lewis, D-GA, underscored those calls.
To some observers, the Democrats’ endless calls for investigations might appear to be simply a dead-end continuation of the 2000 election – heavy on anti-Bush vitriol and posturing, light on concrete action. And such observers might have been right, if not for the fact that a bill, H.R.635, aimed at investigating articles of impeachment, was submitted to Congress on Dec.18, 2005.
The submission of that bill by John Conyers Jr. was, first and foremost, a legislative victory for the radical Left and its sugar daddy, Shadow Party leader George Soros, who for all practical purposes guides the anti-U.S., terrorist-sympathizing agendas of the Democratic Party by funding groups that push far-Left candidates and threaten the careers of existing Democratic Party members who do not tow the radical Left line.
Justifying the submittal of that bill, Conyers said, “There has been massive support for House Resolution 635 from a very vigorous network of grassroots activists and people committed to holding the Bush Administration accountable for its widespread abuses of power.”
The committed activists Conyers spoke of include:
International ANSWER
its founder, former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark (who has advised Conyers on impeachment issues)
Center for Constitutional Rights lawyer Barbara Olshansky, who advises Conyers on impeachment related issues and wrote a book on impeaching Bush that has served as a template for H.R.635
The National Lawyers Guild…this is a pdf file
Veterans for Peace
Workers World Party
most of the 911 ‘truth’ movement…US Labor Against the War
The rest of the article is HERE over at Frontpage
Wild Thing’s comment…..
This is the kind of thing that will come to be if we get a Democrat controlled House. This an many other things. God help America if this ever happens.
Imagine being in the same room with this crew under ‘social circumstances’. Wow would that be scary or what !!! Not a sane person in the bunch. ( maybe that’s why McCain was thrown in, for some balance, however small) Yeah, being with this group would be worse than a bad acid trip. Heck, I would have lost it just looking at Kerry’s picture thinking he was Stan Laurel !!! Now that would be a great team, Laurel and Hardy, played by Ted Kennedy (as Oliver hardy) and Stan Laurel (played by John Kerry).
I just can’t help myself from imagining some of the dialogues that would take place. Add some booze,oh boy! Teddy would take care of that, Bill would bring the chicks, Dean would be the guy with the lampshade on his head, Sheehan would be crying and be consoled by Jesse in the bathroom, McCain would be locked in the closet, Gore would be playing with the thermostat again telling everyone he invented it, Sharpton would be parking cars, Kerry would be shooting kids in the back with his Red Rider BB gun from an upstairs window, Hillary and Schumer would be in the Great Room “just talking”, Carter would bring the peanuts and fix ‘that darn leaky faucet’, Pelosi would keep an eye out for the cops, while Feinstien got Reed to smoke some pot in an effort to make him smile. What a group. You have to admit, they are Characters !!!
The one sure thing if they try and remove
Bush and blow it the Democratic party will
never see the inside of the White House
again…Just look at those clowns or mabey
Slackers would fit them better… Hell most
of them would make a used car salesman look
Billy….lmao I love your description!!!
Tincan Sailor, amen! They do make a used car salesman look honest, your right.
I am praying the Dems do not win and God help us if they do.
I dont like to see impeechment used as a political tool, but still… I cant help but think this would be fair revenge for Clinton, a president impeeched for his private activities which had no impact on his office, policies or decisions.
While none of us want impeachement as a tool of vengeance Suricou, you seem to think along those lines. Clinton wasn’t impeached because of vengeance it was because he lacked character and judgement. For one thing the job of the president is to manage and make decisions based upon the information he recieves from his advisors, information often of top national security that affects the entire nation and the world. A sexual liasion with any underling compromises that vital link in security in such a manner that the president is open to blackmail, coercion and public exposure by anyone around him who knows about the tryst.
Mr Clinton’s behavior after the disclosure of his proclivities were what got him into trouble, he lied to his people, standing on the world stage he denied having sex with Monica Lewinski, then he tried to shake the image in the media by lashing out irrationally in attempts to deflect the attention he’d brought on himself and his corrupt regime.
His behavior to protect his precious image affected his decisions, hence the term “wag the dog” was applied to his behavior. Bill and Hillary ran the presidential whitehouse worse than a madam runs a whorehouse, where anything and everything was for sale. Their wheeling and dealing with undesirables inside and out of the whitehouse cost the life of Vince Foster, the reputations of Linda Tripp, Monica Lewinski while countless other little people suffered because of the dishonesty and duplicity they both used during their term in office. They have the moral fiber of a whore on heroin. How about Bill’s Rwanda episode, or his legacy: Lest we forget.
After the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, which killed six and injured 1,000, President Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished.
After the 1995 bombing in Saudi Arabia, which killed five U.S. military personnel, Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished.
After the 1996 Khobar Towers bombing in Saudi Arabia, which killed 19 and injured 200 U.S. military personnel, Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished.
After the 1998 bombing of U.S. embassies in Africa, which killed 224 and injured 5,000, Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished.
After the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole, which killed 17 and injured 39 U.S. sailors, Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished.
Perhaps if Clinton had kept his promises, over 3,000 people would be alive today.
In 1996 the government of Sudan had Osama bin Laden in their custody and offered to hand him over to the United States. Bill Clinton and his liberal cohorts elected not to take the Sudanese up on their offer. Why? Because they couldn’t figure out a legal means of trying him! But Clinton sure knew how to argue the meaning of is!
You have one of your own who is very much cut from the same cloth of character, in the personna of one George Galloway, whom with your standards would make a fine prime minister.
BTW there still is some free Kool aid at the Jim Jones stand.