19 Oct

Reid: It’s A GOP Smear Campaign

Harry Reid says: “I believe in ensuring all facts come to light.”
However, two years after $1.1 million was paid directly to Reid for the sale of land which he no longer personally owned, he announced he was amending his ethics reports to Congress… to more fully account for the Las Vegas land deal, which was reported last week in a story by the AP. [After initially refusing to discuss the matter – Reid reportedly hung up on the AP reporter when asked about it – he has since offered to amend his financial disclosures.

Reid labeled the AP story as the “latest attempt” by Republicans to affect the election. AP reported last week that it learned of the land deal from a former Reid adviser who had concerns about the way the deal was reported to Congress.
Interestingly enough, according to a report from Nathan Burchfiel, “Since the story broke, the Washington Post has mentioned it three times: once in story about the scandal on Oct. 12 and in an unrelated article and an editorial on Oct. 13. The New York Times has mentioned the scandal once in an article on Oct. 12.
During the same time period, the papers have mentioned Foley 37 and 28 times, respectively.

GOP Video, a must see…..CLICK HERE

Wild Thing’s comment……
razOr thank you for the link for the video. heh heh
ROTFL. Anytime one of these sleazy liberals gets caught in the act it is the fault of Republicans.
Corrupt Republicans = Apologize, resign, face the music
Corrupt Democrats = Lie, deny, obfuscate, blame Republicans, remain in office, get treated as a hero

BobF says:

Check out this one as I’ve yet to see it on the MSM News.
If a Republican would have said this, the Democrats, MSM, Jesse Jackson, Sharpton, and NAACP would all be demanding his head.

Jack Hamilton says:

If you notice this is hardly mentioned on the main stream news media. hmmm wonder why?

Tincan Sailor says:

Its been said that Jack abramoff got money to
Reid through the back door by using Indian
casinos… Who knows, but I wouldn’t doubt it..

raz0r says:

Reid has ties to “dirty” folk and he knows it. It’s just a matter of time.
He played that culture of corruption meme with the rest of the left. Looks like it’s coming back to bite him.
Guess he don’t know that line from that old Jim Croce song: “You don’t spit into the wind.”

Wild Thing says:

Bob wow, and yes you are so right!!

Wild Thing says:

Jack H. your right, I have not heard a word about it yet.

Wild Thing says:

Tincan Sailor, I agree, I wouldn’t doubt anything anymore.