I had a weird thing happen that has never happened before in my entire life. haha I was on the computer getting some posts ready for today ( this was late yesterday afternoon just before dinner), and the phone rang.
Nick was watching Fox News so I didn’t want him to be disturbed so I got up and answered the phone. The caller ID said Democratic Committee. My eyes blinked twice and my jaw dropped. What the hell????
I said calmly: ….Hello
The woman’s voice (not a machine but a living breathing person) said…………” Is this Christine (I am leaving off my last name here on my blog)
I said: Yes it is what do you want?
She said: I am calling to ask you to be sure to vote for Christine Jennings who is running for Congress.
I said: How did you get my name and phone number?
She said: You are a registered voter in Florida and that is how we got your name and phone number.
I said: Indeed I am a registered voter. However, you have just called a Republican household.
She said: Yes but our goal is to turn Red Sates into Blue States. George Bush is a liar and we need to turn this country around and make important changes. Mr. Bush has been responsible for the deaths of thousands of our young men and women in a war that we never should have gone into. He has not lead this country as it should be lead. And the direction of what he has done needs to be changed and only the Democrat party can do this. We need to get our troops back home and stop them from being occupiers.
We will end the Republican culture of corruption and restore a government as good at the people it serves.
I said: Listen up and let me make this very clear to you.
First you have called a Republican home.
Second you have called a family that totally supports our military.
Third you called the home of a Veteran, my husband, and the daughter of a Veteran, and a niece of many Veterans….me!
Fourth you called a home that’s greatest desire is for our military to go after the terrorists.
Fifth the terrorists want to kill you Democrats just as much as they want to kill Republicans. Our political Party affiliation and yours has nothing to do with their goal. When they kneel you down in front of them with big knives in their filthy hands they will not be asking you if are you a Republican or a Democrat.
Sixth, no keep listening I am almost done and you called me, you interrupted my time not I yours so you need to listen to what I have to say. The sixth thing is that your party must be very desperate to BUY a list of voters, give no concern to respecting their parties choice and call them at their home to beg them to be turncoats and vote for a Democrat because YOU happen to drink the Kool-Aid of the Democratic party and believe their lies that Bush lied. Your party is the party of “ we stopped the Patriot Act” Harry Reid, giving secrets to China Clinton, pardoning terrorists Clinton’s and the pathological liars of both Bill and Hillary Clinton. I could go on for 10 hours of the list of all the things about the Clinton’s that they did, crimes, “gates”, and the rest of the Democratic Party.
And seventh and the one that really has pissed me off the most is this. You have the nerve to call this home and trash our military. So as for me, your party can go to hell. Goodbye
I think all political calls are intrusive, unless you ask for them. I have almost not voted in primaries because that list is used for massive mailings and phone campaigning. I did volunteer work for a friend who was a US Congressman in the late 70’s. I refused to be part of his phone bank, thinking it bothered more people than not. His staff(professionals) laughed at me and said if bothering 1000 people got 2 more votes, it was worth it. I wondered how many votes it may have cost.
That was just one aspect of many sleezy things I learned about political office that turned me off on politicians. Even the guys I “like” for office seem to be willing to call their sister a tart for a few votes.
I vote in every election, but that is mostly to keep someone out of office.
You GO, girl! That was a kick-ass response!
Outstanding Response! I can’t wait for them to call my house.
And lets not forget that this is the time of the year that Politicians will make promises they have no intention to keep to get your vote.
I’m kinda partial to the ‘murder scene’ response myself.
You think by time you got done with #5 that woman realised she made a big mistake in calling your house?
Tom I agree with you. I too think it turns people off. You are absolutly right!!!
Hi Vilmar….heh heh…thank you so much. She really ticked me off. I have better manners then that but she pushed my buttons so I let her have it.
Thanks agin.
John5 you are sooooo right. They sure do make empty promises. I have had my fill of this baloney of theirs.
Thanks John!
Billy………..ROTFLMAO…..me too. That man was so original and it was so hilarious!
Bob………LMAO I think so, I think your right!
Outstanding WT, I wish I could stay that cool, they don’t respect anything, the Wellstone incident proved that. I’ll elevate my respect for the Democrats the day the hand John Kerry over to the DOJ for treason, the day they drop the same political plank that the Communist Party USA touts. Even then it will still be the normal revulsion of the Democrats that I hold for all Communists.
Jack that is how I feel about the Democrats too. You said it great!!!!
Here, here! Chrissie, you are da bomb!
giggle razOr thank you!