10 Oct

In God We Still Trust

Just a very special video and song called “In God We Still Trust”.
Prayers for America and our troops.

r says:

im not big on videos like this.
there is so much more going on than a fight between “my god can beat up your god”. this kind of thinking is why were in this mess.
is god gonna get my solders flak jakets??
is god gonna see to it my solders have their medical needs met when they get back?
let the gods fight their own wars,and leave us to raise our kids,make friends,and be decent human beings. course if we were attacked,,then we send them,,thats what they sign up for,and thats their job and duty. as i did along time ago……
on 9-11 around noon,i called the army recruiter….yeah im disabled,but i told him on the phone,i can still shoot.
he never called me back.( that still bugs me)

Jack says:

Diamond Rio have done themselves proud with this song. God bless our troops.
Thanks WT.

Wild Thing says:

Jack thank you I am glad you like it too.