06 Oct

Terrorists in US Prisons Not Monitored

WASHINGTON – Convicted terrorists locked up in U.S. prisons can still use mail and verbal communications to conduct terrorist or criminal activities, according to a report issued Tuesday by the Department of Justice’s inspector general.
The inspector general launched a review after a series of NBC News Investigative Unit reports in February and March 2005 revealed that jailed terrorists — even those responsible for the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center — were continuing to support jihadists and encourage violence around the world.
“We found that the BOP (Bureau of Prisons) has not effectively monitored the mail of terrorist and other high-risk inmates,” concludes the 122-page report.
While behind bars at the Administrative Maximum Penitentiary in Florence, Colo., the 1993 World Trade Center bombers continued their terrorist activities, writing letters to other suspected terrorists and brazenly praising Osama bin Laden in Arabic newspapers. The prison, also known as “Supermax,” houses the largest number of and most dangerous terrorist inmates.
In addition to inmates’ mail, the inspector general’s report revealed another related security problem: The prison bureau “is unable to effectively monitor high-risk inmates’ verbal communications, which include telephone calls, visits with family and friends, and cell block conversations.”
The report found that bureau staff often do not listen to or translate calls in a foreign language by inmates on monitoring lists, including calls placed by inmates identified as posing the greatest risk of being engaged in illegal or suspicious activity. For example, the inspector general’s report found that at Supermax, 50 percent of such calls each month were not monitored.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
We hunt them down, we arrest them and then we do not keep on making sure they cannot plan more attacks there is something seriously wrong with this. I feel badly for our police and those that do all the leg work, risk their lives to catch these terrorists and then the prisons can’t keep a close eye on them once they are locked up.

Billy says:

This is why they should be shot immediately after being convicted. …..Or…….Fall out of the helicopter on the way to the Supermax.

TomR says:

It seems that if our intel folks were really sharp, they would intercept outgoing and incoming communications. Then amend them with false info and send them on their way. Or stuff the envelopes with Mo cartoons.

Jack Hamilton says:

I love the pic. Cracks me up.

aAC says:

Those Bobblehead Muhammeds placed in the urinals would be even funnier, trying to make the heads spin around or come off.

Tincan Sailor says:

TomR, couldn’t have said it better my self…
I’m sick and tired of these Stone age clowns
and mabey there is a reason for West Nile and
Bird Flu and could we be that lucky…

When will this country wake up? It’s bad enough that we leave both borders wide open, and invite these sh*theads over here via student visas. But to let them chat up while in prison!!! You godda be kiddin’ me.

Wild Thing says:

Billy haha love the idea of them falling out of the helicopter. heh heh

Wild Thing says:

Tom that is a great idea about stuffing the envelopes with Mo cartoons. That wqould really make them furious. love it

Wild Thing says:

Jack H. giggle I am so glad you like it.

Wild Thing says:

aAc great idea!

Wild Thing says:

JennoftheJungle I sure was surprised and shocked when I read this.