28 Sep

Turban Durban Speaks for the Terrorists on C-Span2

Durbin preaching for terrorist “rights” on C-Span 2 Yesterday

Durbins plan

Durbin was on C-Span yesterday talking about poor treatment of terrorists, not getting enough rights and U.S. sinking to level of enemy! It was totally insulting and disgusting. Utterly disgusting.
But on the other hand…………… These people, every time they speak, demonstrate they have nothing in common with the American voter. Lets just hope they continue this moral outrage right through November. And that includes McCain and his band of merry men also.

BobF says:

Senators like Turdbin say a lot about the people of Illinois just like Kennedy says about the people of Massachusetts.

Wild Thing says:

Bob it sure does. From living in Calif. I know how hard it is to be in a State that is pro Kennedy types, it is very frustrating. Illinois…..the same thing.

Rhod says:

Turdbin? Heh, heh.

Tincan Sailor says:

I wonder what Dirt bag Durrrbbbiinn would have
to say if one of his sand flea buddys walked
down State st. around noon and set off a body

TomR says:

Personally, I wish we would sink to a level lower than our enemy and show them what real savagery from a technological giant can be.

Billy says:

Durban, they don’t call him Dick for nothing !

Jack Hamilton says:

Durbin How disgusting can a person be.

Wild Thing says:

Tincan Sailor, I honestly think Durbin would make some excuses for the person that would do that.

Wild Thing says:

Tom me too, I would love at least to have a world where there is no PC allowed at all within our military. To really allow them to do what they do best and no media, no politician allowed to have a say how our troops do things.

Wild Thing says:

Billy hahahahahahaha
Good one!

Wild Thing says:

Jack H. he sure is, totally disgusting.

Tincan Sailor says:

Dick Durbin before Durbin Dicks you!!