Democrats failed Tuesday to push the House into an unusual secret session to discuss a classified intelligence analysis on global terrorism that says the Iraq war is nourishing a new generation of extremist operatives.
The proposal from House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., was denied by a vote of 171-217. Such a session hasn’t happened in the House since July 1983, when the chamber went into a closed session to discuss the United States’ support for paramilitary operations in Nicaragua.
Democrats: We need full disclosure of these documents to show the Bush Administration lied about terrorism
Bush: OK we’ll release them
Democrats: We need a closed session to discuss limiting the full disclosure of these documents.
Pelosi asks for closed House session
WASHINGTON – House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi asked her colleagues Tuesday to close the House’s doors for a highly unusual secret session to discuss a classified intelligence analysis on global terrorism.
Such a session hasn’t happened in the House since July 1983, when the chamber went into a closed session to discuss the United States’ support for paramilitary operations in Nicaragua.
In an interview with The Associated Press, Pelosi, D-Calif., said the secret session is necessary to allow members to better understand the intelligence community’s most recent assessment on global terrorism.
She said she hoped House Republicans would recognize the need for such an internal debate on the document, some of which leaked to the news media over the weekend.
According to the media reports, the intelligence estimate “is the administration’s worst nightmare. It is not a corroboration of what the president is saying. It is a contradiction of what the president is saying,” she said.
Pelosi’s move followed President Bush’s announcement that he will declassify the key findings of the intelligence assessment, which he and his top advisers have portrayed as a broad look at trends in terrorism rather than focusing on the impact of Iraq on U.S. national security.
It wasn’t immediately clear whether the Republican-controlled House would allow the Democratic effort to shift the chamber’s attention to one of the most controversial political issues of the November elections: the Bush administration’s policies in the war on terror and its handling of the situation in Iraq.
Pelosi’s maneuver required a simple majority of the House to approve.
The National Intelligence Estimate on terrorism is the most recent analysis of the nation’s top intelligence analysts who work in 16 different spy agencies. Since its disclosure, the Bush administration has been rebutting suggestions that the analysis finds the U.S. is at greater risk of attack because of the Iraq invasion.
Speaking at a Washington dinner Monday night, National Intelligence Director John Negroponte said the report broadly addressed the global terrorist threat, not just the impact of Iraq. He acknowledged that U.S. analysts believe “the Iraq jihad is shaping a new generation of terrorist leaders and operatives.”
But he said the war in Iraq remains important to the outcome. “Should jihadists leaving Iraq perceive themselves, and be perceived, to have failed, fewer fighters will be inspired to carry on the fight,” he said.
The House has only had five closed sessions since 1812, according to the Congressional Research Service.
In the Senate, any single member can take the chamber into closed session. As a result, the chamber has held several dozen secret sessions since 1929, including one last November called by Democrats who wanted to discuss the intelligence used by President Bush in the run-up to the Iraq war.
Pelosi surprised even most of her fellow Democrats in offering the motion. She said she was not trying to use the closed session for political purposes, but rather to discuss a serious assessment that is relevant to Iraq and U.S. national security. She wants to see the administration declassify the document — without using a selective lens.
“Quite frankly, my view is that any responsible declassification will change the course of this debate on Iraq,” she said.
Wild Thing’s comment……
Maybe they wanted a closed session so they could spout the most outrageous Bush Lied/Kids Died nonsense and then selectively leak portions of the “classified” transcript to the New York Times. After all, the Times can’t be expected to write a balanced story if they only get selective leaks.
They felt Bush were never declassify the transcript but…………..he just shocked them. He’s declassifying the document, which will expose them as liars. The motion has been denied.
This ploy is all about Pelosi demonstrating that she is a “leader”. The rats understand that the general public (the normal family part of the public, at least) is VERY nervous about Pelosi and the rest of the Democrat jack-in-the-box clowns taking over the chairs in congress. So Pelosi (along with Emmanuel, no doubt) came up with this grandstand operation in order to pump herself up and try to look like a serious legislator – – you know, “Be calm, there’s nothing to worry about, peoples”.
Do the liberal fools ever miss an opportunity to step in it? LOL Dems are in full panic mode! Image what they would do if they had control of the house! Very scary!
Just like under Josef Stalin’s democracy, the Democrats want a secret meeting to do a hatchet job on the Bush Administration. BTW I see very litte difference between Josef Stalin and Nancy Pelosi they’re both Communists.
The closed door and the sealed lips are prerequisites to tyranny.
–Frank L. Stanton
Jack, thank you, and for the quote too.
I suspect Pelosi wanted a closed session because she realized that the assessment furnished by the leakers wasn’t true. That is, she doesn’t care about the truth, but didn’t want to stand in front of the fan again, so she needed some cover, and a closed session provided it.
There is almost nothing, so far, that would support the Donk fantasies about the so-called War on Terror in the NIE report. The initial charges, themselves, were ludicrous.
Yes, attacking one’s enemies usually results in more activity on the enemy’s part. The leftist prescription for avoiding this conundrum is to whistle past the graveyard, avert your eyes from the bully, hope you’re the last to be beaten up and retread your lips after a lifetime of ass-kissing.
Good one Rhod! Thank you.
Your post began “Democrats failed tuesday”. I like the sound of that. It has a nice ring to it. Failed Tuesday,..Failed Tuesday…hmmmmm,..sounds alot like Fat Tuesday.
Since election day is on a tuesday, and the Dems are so desperate to win back control, which I am becoming more and more convinced they won’t, maybe we should call their effort “Failed Tuesday”, (a Republican Mardi Gras.) That’ll piss em off.
This whole leak thing would be hilarious if it weren’t so important. The media hype yesterday was UNBELIEVABLE. You’d have thought they found the secret to eternal life. CNN was beside themselves. I watched and / or listened to “The Situation Room” for the three seperate hours they air.
At that time they had the small portion of the report that was leaked. Blitzer, Cafferty and the crew were like cat’s that just came accross a wounded canary. For three hours they hammered and hammered how the war in Iraq was causing a rise in terrorism and that we were more at risk now because of it. “The Report said”, “The Report Said.”
Well, tonight was interesting. Although they were still plucking feathers, they had to report on some of the “other” things the report said. Those, for some reason didn’t seem to command the importance of the “leaked” information and in fact were passed off with the comment, “Only three pages of the report have been de classified so we really don’t know what else it may contain”. Then they went back to harping on the “leaked” portion, which as you know, fits thier agenda.
They are criminal. They are the as far from a NEWS organization as you can get. They have as much credibility as Clinton’s forefinger.
They seem to be responding to the percieved “attack” on Clinton by Fox by really taking off the gloves aginst Bush. It is getting ugly.
However,….(you knew there would be good news didn’t you?) There was a guy on CNN tonight, and I don’t know what his name was, but I will find out, that came out swinging and articulating what this war on terror is really all about. He was on Paula Zahn which was being guest hosted by Soledad O’Brien. I happened to hear his comments from another room but by the time I got in front of the TV they did not have his name displayed. It was GOOD though. He’ll probably never be invited back.
CNN replays shows throughout the night, even though they call themselves a 24 hour news channel, so I intend to watch it when it re airs to get his name. Then I will write him in as a candidate for Pres.
I wish you would do an IN DEPTH POST on CNN and their obvious agenda. It would be nice to see all the blogs go on the attack against them. They are GRIM FARYTALES.
We have to deal with the wicked witch of the west (Nancy Pelosi) because of the “credibility CNN lends her.
Ted Kennedy is a favorite on CNN. (he sure wouldn’t make it as a lifeguard on Baywatch)
Kerry? Kerry has had an original idea in his life. (maybe that’s why he’s playing KETCHUP)(sorry about that one)
and Dean???…..YEEEEAAAAA, right.
Hillary, Bill, Rangel, J. Jackson, Sharpton, Rosie ODonnell, Michael Moore,…. MY GOD,
what a pathetic cast of leaders and supporters the Dems have. And these people are all regulars on CNN. And who the hell is their new reporter in IRAQ with the Austrailian accent? Did they get him from Al Jazeera?
I have to stop now, blood is beginning to shoot out of my ears.
Steve Malzberg, the guy on Paula Zahn was Steve Malzberg.I just read the transcrpt.
Billy thank you soooo much for telling me about this.