15 Jul

Syria Says Supports Hizbollah Against Israel….But We Say…..

Map of of Israeli & Hezbllah air strikes

Syria Says Supports Hizbollah Against IsraelDAMASCUS (Reuters) –

Syria will support its allies Hizbollah and Lebanon against Israel’s attacks on the country, the ruling Baath Party said on Friday. “The Syrian people are ready to extend full support to the Lebanese people and their heroic resistance to remain steadfast and confront the barbaric Israeli aggression and its crimes,” a communiqu issued by the party’s national command said.

Syria and Iran told to rein in Hizbollah

Syria and Iran came under growing pressure on Friday to restrain the Lebanese Hizbollah and Palestinian Hamas groups as Israel intensified its military offensive against Lebanon.
Israeli warplanes attacked the home and office of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, the Hizbollah leader, and struck Beirut airport and the main highway linking the city and Damascus, tightening a blockade over the country.
But Hizbollah was defiant, striking a warship in Lebanese waters and raining rockets on northern Israel. “You wanted an open war and we are ready for open war,” Mr Nasrallah said on the organisation’s TV station.
The US warned Damascus and Tehran that they would be held accountable for their role in the crisis and insisted that Israel had the right to defend itself.
In New York, where the United Nations Security Council held an emergency session, John Bolton, the US ambassador to the UN, accused Syria of providing a safe haven to the militant wing of Hamas and giving material support to Hizbollah.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Thank you John Bolton and thank you Bush for saying the right thing. Please now stick to your guns on this!
Israel Ambassador Dan Gillerman was awesome! I want our leaders on this to be awesome too!

LLoyd says:

Only a short time ago the tree huggin’, Birkenstock, “Cut and Run”, give peace a chance, cumbya crowd was trying to “Bork” Bolton and “W” just said “OK. I can wait.” And then put him in on recess. Now the UN pitbull has done a good attack job on the Pali’s and the UN. Yahoo! Let the dogs of war loose!

Wild Thing says:

Hi Lloyd I agree it is wonderful. I love when they do the right thing and take a stand.

TomR says:

Wow, I like Ambassador Bolton! Maybe a GOP candidate for the White House in ’08?

Jack says:

At last someone who’ll tell it like it is, Bolton is great, unlike his mealymouthed predecessors he isn’t a UN puppet. He’s likened as a pitbull under Kofi, looks like the roles may be reversed. Ever wonder if he says ‘Back Kofi, heel you worthless mutt!!!, or it’s back to Ghana for you’?
Don’t forget that when Arafat was driven to the wall it was the UN that gave him sanctuary.

Rhod says:

Israel has issued an ultimatum to Syria. Return the kidnapped soldiers in 72 hours or be attacked. Iran vows to respond if Syria is attacked. Good.
Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill Iran. Kill Iran with extreme prejudice. The source of every Islamist misery, every Islamist injustice, every Islamist torture, every bloodthirsty, stinking Islamist cult is funded, encouraged and supported by Iran.
This country must disappear as a player on the world stage. Innocents? Time to go along with the ride. The civilized world has no other choice, and no time left. Iranians were also involved in the kidnapping and the UAF attack on the Israeli warship. An act of war.
Bunker bust a whole deep enough to scab these foul mullahs and their pig foreskin Ahmadinejad. Kill them. Period, and scrape their disgusting remains into the can.
Sorry about the rage, WT. But it’s either them, or us, and we better get smart and turn Iran into a glass factory. The sooner the better.

Wild Thing says:

Tom , me too I agree, I am proud of Bolton and Gillerman has been hitting them hard too. He (Gillerman) has been on several tv talk shows and taking no prisoners.

Wild Thing says:

Jack oh wow, thanks, I had forgotten that about what the UN did with Arafat. Grrrr!

Wild Thing says:

Rhod, I agree and rage on! I am all for it and I agree with you!!