10 Jul

Aussies Take On Precher From Hell Phred Phelps

Flirting with a Westboro Church man

Wild Thing’s comment…….
This is hilarious! I approve of anyone that goes after vile Phelps! Thanks guys, this is great!

* Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler
* Vox Poplar

TomR says:

Ha, ha. Now if we could just get Phelps bunch and Code Pink on the same corner – fun ‘n games.

Wild Thing says:

OMG that would be hilarious. I would love to see that, heck I would pay to see that.

raz0r says:

That indeed would be a great time.

j says:

What a hoot!!! Picture Richard Simmons after ol’ Fred’s soul. Praise the Lord and pass the Bear grease!!!

Wild Thing says:

J……….. hahahahaha
LMAO too good!

Suricou Raven says:

Dispite my best efforts, my deliberate attempts to attack christianity have not even come close to the success Phelps has had without even trying :>

Wild Thing says:

Suricou Raven you know what, your right. hahahahhaa
Phelps is a disgrace to Christianity and one hell of a bad example of what Christianity is and stands for. IMO he is NO Christian, if he is I sure as hell (no pun intended) hope he lands in a different part of Heaven then I do. hahahahaha