07 Jul

Islam and Its’ Love For Killing People

A recent article in the UK Telegraph offered insights into the many ways that Islamists in Baghdad are making life, by increments, miserable for citizens of the city.
Ice producers, crucial in helping people survive in Iraq’s 115 degree summer heat, have recently suffered several murders from their ranks. The reason: Their product was not available during the time of Mohammed.
Street venders who sell the popular Middle Eastern food falafel have also lost two of their own in the past few weeks, with other venders now closing their stalls. The same reason is offered by the Islamists, namely, that falafels did not exist at the beginning of Islam. Those who laughed off the warnings are now lying in Baghdad cemeteries.
Islamists have also warned Baghdad residents who wear goatees to shave or else. That prohibition, subject to a visit from a vigilante death squad, is due to the fact that goatees originate from a “Jewish facial hairstyle.” The article states that barbers have been busier than usual, after a 17 year old was murdered the other month for ignoring the no-goatee warning.
Mayonnaise is also in the sights of the self-appointed morality police. Like goatees, mayonnaise has a Jewish connection. Mayonnaise is made in Israel. Therefore, it, too, joins the long list of things haraam, forbidden to Muslims, according to the Islamists’ playbook. Needless to say, most restaurants are holding the mayonnaise, with or without the customer’s request.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
Ice? What about all those mountains they have there and it does snow and thus there must be ice as well. I think that is BS about the ICE, just an excuse to kill someone probably.
How ’bout knives? I’ll bet they’re made in Israel, too. Gonna quit whacking throats?
So is oxygen, it comes from trees roots in Jewish soil and watered with Jewish water. I suggest that if this offends you that you stop breathing now.
Hmmmm here are some other things that were not around during their freakazoid Muhammad’s time:
airplanes eg: Boeing 757 and 767
the internet
modern medicine
cell phones
nuclear weapons
I guess that leaves: camels and swords.

Important Lessons From The London Bombings

What we can learn a year after the horrible events in London of July 7, 2005.

OINK says:

My son frequented a convenience store in Chicago, owned by the guy pictured above. It was named “Cutlers” but he called it “Cut-Throat’s”.
They were cold & indifferent to him UNTIL he refused to accept change for a $20 bill, when he had only given them a $10. Then they warmed to him considerably.
Our analysis: “You GOOD American! When we kill you, we no make you suffer!”

Wild Thing says:

Good name for the place….Cut throats.
And your analysis is right on.