In our newspaper today in the Opinion section there was a marvelous letter. Nick saw it and showed it to me. I just had to post it. It is written by a Veteran Paratrooper as he says from the Vietnam era.
Take the handcuffs off our soldiers
I really find it annoying to read in newspapers and to observe on television what one could interpret as hatred of our armed forces by way too many liberal organizations in the country — Amnesty International and the Democratic Party (or at least 50 percent of it).
I can’t believe that so many people want the terrorists held at Guantanamo and other centers released, given that it’s been reported that at least one who was released went back to being a terrorist. And yet, these same organizations are the first to virtually convict our troops, giving them absolutely no benefit of the doubt. When some Iraqi or insurgent files an allegation, it is immediately accepted as fact, to the point that the U.S. media virtually convict our soldiers in the news.
The fathers of a couple of inmates at Gitmo who recently hung themselves in their cells have said that there is absolutely no way their sons would commit suicide, because it’s one of the worst sins a Muslim can commit. Gosh, then what the heck is it when these lowlifes strap on explosives and blow up busloads of children? A polka?
I’m a veteran paratrooper of the Vietnam era and was involved in air assault, so I know that to do nothing means our soldiers will die. If we want victories in the war on terror, we must call our politicos and demand that they let our warriors be warriors. Let them use their training, out from under the media-and-peace-activist microscope, and we’ll see a quick and decisive victory. The vision of defeat will be burned into the memories of every terrorist.
Until then, I would still take up a protective position in front of anyone’s family, even if its members think compassion will stop a rabid fanatic.
Robert V. White
Not too far off topic — patriotism.
Parn, my Thai dau/law, told me some of their rules about displaying their flag, and showing respect at their national anthem.
I told her that we have some clear rules, but the enforcement is more casual. For example, when they play “The Star Spangled Banner” at sports events, it’s not wise to sit around with your hat on, scratching your nuts.
You’d likely get your ass kicked.
Unless you were a 10 y/o kid. Then you’d get some blunt ‘fatherly’ “advice”. The kind my Dad handed out. Meaning NEXT TIME you get your ass kicked.
Robert White is correct when he states
“If we want victories in the war on terror, we must call our politicos and demand that they let our warriors be warriors. Let them use their training, out from under the media-and-peace-activist microscope, and we’ll see a quick and decisive victory. The vision of defeat will be burned into the memories of every terrorist.”
Come November we can move out some of the enemy within who are trying to lose this battle and make Islamic slaves out of all of us.
Oink, you’re right, I attended a Military funeral last Saturday and was shocked at the lack of respect for the flag, there were very few of us including the honor guard who knew what the flag meant to this Veteran of 30 years who we laid to rest. Ignorance is no excuse, it’s the same lecture I’ve given my children and grandchildren, show some respect or get that ass kicked.
Well written and right on target.
One time at a Dodger Game when we were living in Calif. a man in front of us and his son sat while everyone else was holding their baseball caps, hands on our hearts and singing the National Anthem.
Nick and I were soooo angry, so when we asked him to stand he said NO that this was NOT his country they were brought here as slaves when America had slaves. I mean he is referring to so long ago before we were even born. Good grief!
When we got up to leave after the 7th inning, I leaned down and said to the man, “nice how Louis Farrakhan let’s you go to one of America’s favorite pastimes.”
Well said. Let me amend my first comment.
1. You stand a good chance of being insulted.
2. You stand a fair chance of getting your ass kicked.
3. If you are on/near a military base, #2 moves from ‘fair’ to “OUTSTANDING”.