Ramadi, Iraq
Terrorist-infested Ramadi in the wild west of Iraq is for U.S. troops the meanest place in the country, “the graveyard of the Americans” as graffiti around town boast. There is no better place to observe American troops and the fledgling Iraqi army in combat. That’s why I came. When military public affairs asked where I wanted to be embedded, I told them, “the redder, the better” (red means hostile).
So they packed me off to Camp Corregidor in eastern Ramadi with the 1st Battalion, 506th Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault). The 506th’s official motto is “Currahee,” Cherokee for “stands alone.” But they’re better known as the “Band of Brothers” – so dubbed by author Stephen Ambrose and HBO (although the term originally applied to just one company in the regiment).
Michael Fumento has exclusive coverage, with the “Band of Brothers.”

Wild Thing’s comment……
I want to thank Michael Fumento for his email to me about this and for sending me his site. Thank you Michael you are doing a great job of sharing things with us about our awesome troops.
And here is another post I did on this……In Country