10 Jun

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the Left, Loony Alliance

Wild Thing’s comment…….This is a great write up and I would like to share it with you. I never heard of this writer before. His name is John Burtis. He is a former Broome County, NY firefighter, a retired Santa Monica, CA, police officer, and obtained his BA in European History at Boston University and is fluent in German. He resides in NH with his wife, Betsy.

Zarqawi, the left–Never give a sucker an even break
By John Burtis
Saturday, June 10, 2006

It’s so darned funny and I am such a naïf. I thought it would take a day or two for the left to begin to down play the death of Zarqawi, one of the premier death dealers on the planet today, and a guy responsible for a litany of murder and mayhem among our troops–OUR TROOPS. You know, the guys everybody pledges to support even though the liberal cognoscenti and the progressive Nomenklatura all hate the war.
But my feeble calculations were off by a power of ten. It appears that the left, the Democrats and Air America were right in there slinging mud, down playing the impact of Mr. Zarqawi’s death, belittling the accomplishments of the “Prince of al-Qaeda” in Iraq–directed last fall to set-up a caliphate in Iraq by none other than Mr. Zawahiri–and calling for our withdrawal almost as soon as the news broke.
But from John Kerry, to Knight-Ridder, UPI, Pete Stark, Dennis Kucinich, and Randi Rhodes, among the other notables, the great round up of left wing apologists were right in there pitching their tales of woe before the dust had cleared around the bomb blasted house and before the plastic surgeons had rearranged Abu’s shattered face for the early morning roll-out.
Mr. Kerry (H-UA) stepped right in to call for the withdrawal of combat troops by the end of the year, not a new tune for the Winter Soldier, but the death of Mr. Zarqawi has served to add another verse and refrain to the same old song he sings so well.
Nancy Pelosi (S-OL) congratulated our troops, before calling for our retreat because of the loss of the VA records of the WWII veterans, which she valiantly confused with those currently serving.
The faux Night Riders scribbled that the death of the foremost murderer in Iraq will have no impact there, of course, not where he has been killing a ton of people for years, or in Jordanian hotels during weddings for that matter. While the left-handed UPI sky writers exclaimed that the capture of Mr. bin-Laden would be of absolutely no help for Mr. Bush, let alone anybody else who might be on the receiving end of one of his dastardly upcoming “plans.”
Brother Pete Stark (D-OA) goes on to say that whole thing is a cover for Mr. Bush’s nether regions, in an echo of anther quaint liberal voice belonging to that sweet Ms. Whoopi Goldberg, and a last gasp to improve his poll numbers, while Br’er Dennis Kucinich (D-IP) touts his own addled version of reality where Mr. Zarqawi was just a walk-on bit player on an already booming anti-American stage, though the name of the director currently escapes him.
Randi Rhodes, fellow assassination jokester with Alan Hevesi, and impromptu impresario of the amazing disappearing Air America, which has finally lost their flagship station in NYC after a prolonged scuttling, extolled al-Qaeda for pleading with Mr. Zarqawi to slow down the slaughter of the innocents, and opined that we should do the same with our troops.
For days, if not weeks, there will be a deafening silence to be heard from those two outlandishly pantomiming former chief executives, Mr. Carter and Mr. Clinton, who will reserve judgment until the proper audience can be assembled and properly shaken down for cash.
For Mr. Carter, this will have something to do with the confluence of those two great pro-American bodies, the lily pure UN and the perfectly democratic Palestinian State, and will feature Mr. Peanut’s views on how the premeditated murder of a poor suffering Mr. Zarqawi, the victim of a troubled youth, will in some way deleteriously affect the rightful operations of these two sainted and august bodies.
Mr. Clinton, before a paying foreign audience, where he can really let fly, will sagely review his own wise anti-terrorist policies and recall how their implementation by the Bush administration, had they but taken his wise counsel, so often and painfully offered, would have resulted in the stultification of radical Islam, the marginalization of dubious characters like Mr. Zarqawi, and an enduring legacy for Mr. Clinton.
And it saddens me, as it should all Americans, that the party in opposition, must sit down and compose themselves and their thoughts, and not appear too joyous, too happy, and not too glad that the primary killer of their sons and daughters — our sons and daughters, too — has been taken out by a precision combined arms operation directed by Iraqis and Americans.
There are no even breaks offered from the left, not in a war that threatens every American with annihilation of some kind to be delivered by boyos just like Mr. Zarqawi, especially when the old gods — Stalin, Guevara, Ho Chi Minh, Mao — are gone.
The new gods of the left — Chavez, Castro, Ahmadinejad, Kim Jong Il — are lesser men than the old, while the new tin gods — Clinton, Annan, Carter — are reed thin jokes.
But in the end, I am a sucker, as we all are, to think that the left wing, the Democrats and their slavish tools in the drive-by media could in any way whatsoever view the swift elimination of a piratical serial killing bandit as anything other than a ploy or a hoax to be denigrated.
On we go, into the next bit of high camp, where the next bit of good news for all Americans will be greeted with silence, sneers, denunciation and lip service from our friends on the left — such is the bottomless depth of their love for their country and its citizens.
And it won’t matter if we capture Osama, if the Dow hits 12,000, if housing starts are way up, if unemployment reaches 4.2%, if Mr. Ahmadinejad surrenders to Great Britain, and if gasoline falls to $2.21 a gallon.

TomR says:

I love his comments on the selfish circus performances of Carter and Clinton

Wild Thing says:

Glad you liked it hahaha he did a great job.

Jack says:

John Burtis writes for CFP also. He nails the vermin perfectly.

Wild Thing says:

Jack, for letting me know more about John Burtis. This is great.