08 Jun

Cher Supports Operation Helmet For Our Troops

Cher’s War: Helmet Safety for Troops
Memorial Day weekend, Cher was fighting for American troops on C-SPAN. The legendary singer called into “Washington Journal” early Sunday morning — 4:20 a.m. her time, to be exact.

“Hello? This is Malibu, California. I’m going to try to be really calm while I’m talking about this . . .” and she launched into a passionate argument for helmet safety upgrades for troops and her frustration with the government for not providing them to every soldier. Host Steve Scully recognized her famously husky voice.

“Is this Cher?” he asked.

“Yeah,” she answered. “I know that I am an entertainer and from Hollywood and should have no conscience, but I am an American and I just cannot bear these people for another moment.”

Her new cause is Operation Helmet, which has donated 6,850 of the liners to troops serving in Iraq and Afghanistan since it was founded two years ago. Bob Meaders , a former Navy doctor, was asked by his Marine grandson to research the liners. He founded the nonprofit because he believes the liners offer better protection against brain injuries. The Army uses them, he says, but other branches of the military do not.
Meaders, 71, was sitting on his back porch in Texas earlier this year when Cher first called. She donated $25,000 to the organization last month and told C-SPAN she’ll join Meaders on June 14 in Washington when he testifies about the helmet liners for the House Armed Services Committee.

“She has been a great supporter and good friend,” he says. “I said, ‘If you could stand behind and sing in case I get nervous, I’d feel more comfortable.’ “

Doc Bob’s Blog
Letter from Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld
Interview with Lou Dobbs, CNN, 18 May 2006